Let me tell you where i am on this Steve, and this is all with my deepest respect for you as a plasterer, and my friend.
To me, the appropriate background for cement render top coat, is a render scratch coat. Gypsum Bonding coat is not an appropriate background for cement render. It is not meant to be used as a scratch coat for cement render. It is a "lightweight undercoat plaster", and has very little strength for carrying any weight. Sand and cement render is very heavy. I'm surprised,,, nay,,, even shocked,, that your assessor asked whether you had put on "bonding coat first, ready to take the cement render".
I'm sure the render will stay on the wall,, but i have in the past, scratch coated and cement rendered concrete ceilings. If i had scratched them with bonding coat first, and then top coat sand/cement rendered on top of the gypsum bonding scratch coat,,
the heavy downward weight of the cement render would have pulled away from the weak, lightweight plaster scratchcoat. Its the same if you're fitting expamet corner beads before rendering. You wouldn't/shouldn't use dabs of plaster to hold them in place and then render over them.
That's my view for not doing it that way,,, always will be,,,, unless,,,,,,,,,,??.
Merry Christmas Mucka.