Thanks, and you are right info tend to over think situations and flap haha!!
What you say is what i initially thought and still hope for, but with what you said about the bank using the property as security if we default etc. that's where i started to think would they want to be left with a unfinished house to sell on should they have to repossess etc? I so hope you are right, reaaaaaaallllyyyy want this place bad and would take us a good while to get over it of we couldn't. So sorry to flap but this is the only area for concern and just wanted to see if anyone had been through this before and could shed some light on it. Really appreciate all the input so far from everyone.
What you say is what i initially thought and still hope for, but with what you said about the bank using the property as security if we default etc. that's where i started to think would they want to be left with a unfinished house to sell on should they have to repossess etc? I so hope you are right, reaaaaaaallllyyyy want this place bad and would take us a good while to get over it of we couldn't. So sorry to flap but this is the only area for concern and just wanted to see if anyone had been through this before and could shed some light on it. Really appreciate all the input so far from everyone.