PM Dominic Cummings either resigns or is sacked.

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Right that’s it on this thread when challenged you’re all spineless,

you hate privileged white power and you just won’t admit it.
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"Mr Johnson argued that much of what was written about Mr Cummings "was false"

You have a bit of a problem there as it was and what he did was witnessed. The other emotive aspects often mentioned that apply to lock down were not related to what Cummins did.

Bit strange that he was spotted in "Bluebell Wood" and by the castle. Makes me wonder if it was the same spotter. The Bluebells went quickly for obvious reasons.

The other point of course is "such as" followed by a list does not exclude other similar situations and it even suggests use of friends or family. A 4 year old with no one able to look after them is a vulnerable person. Irrespective of that some rabbit on about things introduced for other reasons. It all suggest a number of people are seriously lacking in comprehension or can't read at all. His problem was also clarified via a direct question in a brief - yes in these circumstances a child is vulnerable person.
you hate privileged white power
A good chunk of Boris's own Tory party are keen to see DC fook orf. How do you explain that? Hypocrisy - not really. Poor judgement? I'm also struggling to see why fest is so vehement in HIS defence...?
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the British Constitution (the Lion) is under attack by liars and cheats

Yes..baruso, donald tusk, jean claude drunker, van rompoy, barnier etc etc
And their zealous europhile followers.
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I reckon DC threw a sickie just to get some time off, every one has done it at some time or other.
A lot of people are doing it, i am not justifying it but human nature being what it is these things will happen.
Did these people tell us to stay at home, save lives and protect the NHS?

Did DC tell you to stay home and save lives?
He is an advisor. What he does in his spare time is his business.
Just man/they up and be honest you spineless wimps

The lwr scare mongered for years that brexit would put us over the cliff edge economically.
Now their belief is that the lock down never started soon enough. So in effect, all of a sudden, they were encouraging financial/economic suicide.
Pretending to care about the chinese virus victims just so they can claim the moral high ground.
This level of hypocrisy is to be expected from spineless wimps.
Now their belief is that the lock down never started soon enough. So in effect, all of a sudden, they were encouraging financial/economic suicide.

look at countries that instigated a fast and hard lockdown conbined with test and trace.....result is those countries have come out of lockdown much much faster. South Korea never even had a lockdown.

So thats pizzed on your argument in 2 seconds
The lwr scare mongered for years that brexit would put us over the cliff edge economically

remainers argued that a no deal brexit would do that.

if a no deal trade deal happens then there will still be significant economic damage.

how are those benefits of brexit going.....oh thats right, there arent any.
Right that’s it on this thread when challenged you’re all spineless,

you hate privileged white power and you just won’t admit it.
Unfortunately Festive, it is you who are spineless.....stop posting silly ad hom attacks, man up and admit you are wrong.

you have made zero counter argument regarding Farage.
the fact is he only did it for publicity

And dont try and claim he did it because it wasn't being reported, because it has been:
I think you may find they now realise that SARS should have been taken more seriously. Korea etc did. Late lock down couldn't have helped.

Korea has started it's schools today. All in masks. Mention of different distancing measures. Crack pot question, at 1m talking could pass the virus on. Some one else with an agenda forgetting the basic problem - get rid of CV19.
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