"Mr Johnson argued that much of what was written about Mr Cummings "was false"
A good chunk of Boris's own Tory party are keen to see DC fook orf. How do you explain that? Hypocrisy - not really. Poor judgement? I'm also struggling to see why fest is so vehement in HIS defence...?you hate privileged white power
the British Constitution (the Lion) is under attack by liars and cheats
Did these people tell us to stay at home, save lives and protect the NHS?
Just man/they up and be honest you spineless wimps
Telegraph says six cabinet ministers have told colleagues they want Cummings gone.
no you cant.I can name many press feeding frenzies against Boris and Dc
wrongNow their belief is that the lock down never started soon enough. So in effect, all of a sudden, they were encouraging financial/economic suicide.
hogwashThe lwr scare mongered for years that brexit would put us over the cliff edge economically
Unfortunately Festive, it is you who are spineless.....stop posting silly ad hom attacks, man up and admit you are wrong.Right that’s it on this thread when challenged you’re all spineless,
you hate privileged white power and you just won’t admit it.