Police in work to rule threat if pay talks fail

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compare what some cra..p..py plumbers/electricians/ etc get and i agree the police need looking after they are not getting there true value in cash rewards for the work they do
kevplumb said:
yer don't alf talk some rubbish marra

i can work for 2 days and be paid the same as a bobby putting his life on the line >> that isnt fair is it

i can work for 1/2 day and get the same as someone on minimum wage ??
this seriously needs to be looked at

we need set prices for all electrical / plumbing / gas / building work
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i will repeat yer dont alf talk some ****e marra i dont spend a week of my life every 5 in a classroom to be paid minimum wage and yer dont pay the dog good money every year for the fun of it www. argi. org.uk ;)
The gas engineers round our way belong to a new group called P.O.L.S.K.I.

They have one man that is CORGI registered but he never touches the tools - he spends all day racing around scribbling out certificates.

They are cheap too.
kevplumb said:
i will repeat yer dont alf talk some s***te marra i dont spend a week of my life every 5 in a classroom to be paid minimum wage and yer dont pay the dog good money every year for the fun of it www. argi. org.uk ;)

wtf are u on ???

a week in 5 years doesnt entitle you to rob people i see price differnces that would make your hair go white

time to get set prices in for us say £30 and hour max
Slogger said:
i can work for 2 days and be paid the same as a bobby putting his life on the line >> that isnt fair is it

i can work for 1/2 day and get the same as someone on minimum wage ??
this seriously needs to be looked at
It's a free labour market, Slogger - nobody is stopping you reducing your rates.

we need set prices for all electrical / plumbing / gas / building work
Strange - I never had you down as a hard-line communist.
more like a coop i just dont like to see the way prices are going
It's a free labour market, Slogger - nobody is stopping you reducing your rates.
ban-all-sheds said:
It's a free labour market, Slogger - nobody is stopping you reducing your rates.

It may well be a "free labour market" for some ,but having to reduce one's rates at a strock does not do the econimy much good :(
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