Police officers who chase criminals could face sack

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splinter said:
Thermo said:

:LOL: :LOL: Thats where i'm of to in a hour to drop my sons girl freind of home .What a shnessit hole

Ps it's Sheerness :)

Trip to the prison colony AKA Isle of Sheppey cancelled ,HURRAH quick bottle of wine me thinks :D
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Softus said:
b-a-s, in case you're still wondering why the moderators deem you to be abusive, it's because of instances like the use of the word "moron" in your post. IMHO.

You might call it being accurate, but it's disparouging in a way that wasn't essential to your point, and it's that very 'unnecessaryness' that turns an accurate description into abuse.
I named no names.

If people wish to associate themselves with the label "moron" that's their choice.
it's because of instances like the use of the word "moron" in your post. IMHO.
it's that very 'unnecessaryness' that turns an accurate description into abuse.
ban-all-sheds said:
I named no names.
Quite right, you didn't. That must make me wrong then, since it's through no fault of your own that the moderators criticise and delete your posts.
a little note to you thread hijackers P*SS OFF

if you want to chat why dont you use msn ?

i do agree the police shouldnt chase criminals in cars near or in built up areas but when and if they can they should take out the offending car with extreme force even to the extent of using armoured cars as road blocks who cares about a law breakers rights ? keep the innocent protected and use extreme PREJUDICE on the right people [/code]
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Slogger, I'm curious:

Have you ever committed a crime against a person (perhaps only as a juvenile), like petty theft? Do you consider yourself older and wiser now? Were you treated with the same force that you advocate being used on transgressors now? If you have been, would it have taught you a better lesson, or the same lesson more quickly?
Slogger said:
a little note to you thread hijackers P*SS OFF

if you want to chat why dont you use msn ?

i do agree the police shouldnt chase criminals in cars near or in built up areas but when and if they can they should take out the offending car with extreme force even to the extent of using armoured cars as road blocks who cares about a law breakers rights ? keep the innocent protected and use extreme PREJUDICE on the right people [/code]
hermes said:
Slogger said:
a little note to you thread hijackers P*SS OFF

if you want to chat why dont you use msn ?

i do agree the police shouldnt chase criminals in cars near or in built up areas but when and if they can they should take out the offending car with extreme force even to the extent of using armoured cars as road blocks who cares about a law breakers rights ? keep the innocent protected and use extreme PREJUDICE on the right people [/code]
very droll of you have you nothing better to do with your time go get msn ok keep in touch with your m8s that way
Softus said:
Slogger, I'm curious:

Have you ever committed a crime against a person (perhaps only as a juvenile), like petty theft? Do you consider yourself older and wiser now? Were you treated with the same force that you advocate being used on transgressors now? If you have been, would it have taught you a better lesson, or the same lesson more quickly?
no i have not commited a crime

i am saying that if you steal a car then you are about to commit murder or manslaughter = no mercy for you

as we all know those that steal motors get chased then crash and sometimes kill or maim innocent bystanders that is not on lets hit the car thieves with no mercy ie armoured cars/snipers even
You have said, several times, about how you like to ride really, really fast on your motorbike (as in well above the speed limit) - Does that not count as a crime ? Would it be reasonable to take you out with a piano wire at neck level if the police saw you doing it ? Or are crimes that you want to commit somehow different ?

(Back to your original post, as a rule of thumb, if a newspaper headline makes you spit out your cornflakes at just how crazy and against common-sense it is then its probably not wholly true and not worth spitting your cornflakes out over).
Slogger said:
no i have not commited a crime
That surprises me. For example, I have, and I think it gives me sime insight and understanding that I wouldn't otherwise have. Have you really never been caught speeding, parking illegally, or any minor offence at all?

i am saying that if you steal a car then you are about to commit murder or manslaughter = no mercy for you
I understand how the thought of murder/manslaughter makes you angry, but I don't agree that every car thief is destined to kill someone. I really don't see that logic.

as we all know those that steal motors get chased
No. They don't all get chased.

...then crash
No. Not all of the chased thieves crash the car.

...and sometimes kill or maim innocent bystanders
"Sometimes" is correct - sometimes a crash will hurt a bystander or passing motorist.

....that is not on
I agree - it isn't on. The fact the most people agree with that is why there's a law against it.

lets hit the car thieves with no mercy ie armoured cars/snipers even
It seems that you would have every car theft turned into a war. Leaving aside any moral argument, your suggestion isn't well thought out, because war always incurs innocent casualties.
There are only two states of mind: curious, and dead.
Slogger said:
i do agree the police shouldnt chase criminals in cars near or in built up areas but when and if they can they should take out the offending car with extreme force even to the extent of using armoured cars as road blocks who cares about a law breakers rights ? keep the innocent protected and use extreme PREJUDICE on the right people
Like I said....
Softus said:
I really don't see that logic.
Slogger..... logic....
Logic.... Slogger....

Nope - sorry - don't get that.

your suggestion isn't well thought out
Slogger.... well thought out suggestions....
Well thought out suggestions.... Slogger....

Sorry - can't get my head round that one, either.
Slogger said:
hermes said:
Slogger said:
a little note to you thread hijackers P*SS OFF

if you want to chat why dont you use msn ?

i do agree the police shouldnt chase criminals in cars near or in built up areas but when and if they can they should take out the offending car with extreme force even to the extent of using armoured cars as road blocks who cares about a law breakers rights ? keep the innocent protected and use extreme PREJUDICE on the right people [/code]
very droll of you have you nothing better to do with your time go get msn ok keep in touch with your m8s that way

And if you have nothing better to do than to post the same old nonsense why not give us a break. You told us several times how you have used physical retribution against people in your area - this makes you a lawbreaker, then you say who cares about a law breakers rights ?.

You also talk, on a regular basis, about one law for them and one law for us, but presumably you want one law for some law-breakers and another one for you?
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