Thermo said:
Bit of a problem now isnt it, not quite so easy as you all seem think.
I don't think all of us were saying it is...
Ok so lets just shoot him once in the arm.....hang on hes got another one so better shoot the other arm... hang on what about his legs.....Bang you dithered to long
One shot to the head that will do it.....except his central nervous system is still working and hes still twicthing...Bang he just managed to press the switch.
Or 7 shots to the head followed by Bang - the detonator wired to his heart monitor has gone off..?
Someone cocked up and an innocent man died because of it and someone has a responsibillity over this, but it is not the poor b****y s***s on the ground who had to make a split second decision based on the facts that they were given at the time.
So who is responsible?
How do we find out who?
When we have found out, how do we find out to what extent (s)he/they were incompetent, negligent or careless?
Someone made the point that when other people, acting in good faith, make mistakes that result in them killing someone, they are held to account for it and "I'm sorry, I made a mistake" is not good enough.
To what extent should the security forces be exempt from scrutiny and facing the consequences of incompetence and negligence if through those they have killed an innocent person?
They didnt do it because they were macho, because they thought it would be jolly good fun, they did it because they have been trained based on experiance from around the world of other suicide bombings that this is the only way to be sure of actually dealing with a very dangerous and potential threat.
To what extent should the public simply accept, because they are told, that this is the only way?
Is it right, or healthy, that as a society we should accept that if the police say they had to kill someone that they must be right?
As a society, what number of mistakes are we prepared to tolerate? How many more de Menezes' will we think is OK?
If you believe police officers want to go out and shoot people for the fun of it, or for political reasons then so be it, i wont change your feelings or your mind, im just trying to put the events of the shooting into context.
I don't think that.
But neither do I think that we should adopt the "police are always right" attitude, and not seek a thorough investigation into what went wrong, and accept a situation where (it seems to me) it has been predetermined that nobody will be held personally accountable for the deliberate killing of an innocent man.