Pollution Charge.

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom

120 grams or less of carbon dioxide per kilometre - exempt.

Up to 225g/km would be charged £8.

Greater than 225g/km £25. No exemption for those residing within the congestion charge zone.

As of February '08.

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I thought this was announced about three months ago empip. :confused:
Another good reason for not living in or driving to London, I cherish the thought of when I move to the west country and never have to go back to the south east, it's becoming a hell hole. I've promised myself when I move that other than life threatening situations I shall never go back to London.
empip said:

120 grams or less of carbon dioxide per kilometre - exempt.

Up to 225g/km would be charged £8.

Greater than 225g/km £25. No exemption for those residing within the congestion charge zone.

As of February '08.


So the polluter pays. What's the problem?
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The only problems I see are:

1. The tardy introduction of this tax.
2. The effect on retail pricing that will cause yet more sanctimonious whining from those people who don't like paying for the cost to the environment.
what about older cars where the details aren't available?

I've got a massive engined old car which I often drive to central london. what will they charge me/my company?

toasty said:
what will they charge me/my company?
I dunno - perhaps you'll be obliged to have the output measured and will be charged accordingly. :shrug:
Much as I appreciate the need to reduce global emissions. The fact is, that at the rate China is increasing pollution, even were we to shut down Great Britain, pollution would still rise. (Great Britain produces less than 1% of the worlds emissions )

China and America are the 2 largest polluters, and neither has any real intention of slowing down.

Unless the World as a whole grasps hold of the problem, it will continue to get worse.

In the meantime, it will be another nice little earner for this government.
trazor said:
In the meantime, it will be another nice little earner for this government.
Yet another example of the random, cowardly and cloaked cynicism that seems to be one of the few forces binding people in the the UK together at the moment. :rolleyes:

If vehicles in cities are over-polluting, amongst all the other bad effects, they make both people's lungs and buildings dirtier - both of these cost money to clean and mend. We should put our own house in order if the country's voice is one we want to be listened to.

If something is wrong, it being only 1% of the global wrongness doesn't mean that it shouldn't be put right. Large changes begin in small ways.
Are slightly elevated levels of CO2 dangerous to peoples health ? I would have thought that particulates, NOx and Sulpherous emissions were more relevant. Do CO2 emissions and these other emissions have a direct correlation?
Softus said:
trazor said:
In the meantime, it will be another nice little earner for this government.
Yet another example of the random, cowardly and cloaked cynicism that seems to be one of the few forces binding people in the the UK together at the moment. :rolleyes:

Cynical..Yes....This government knows very well, that unless the whole World participates in reducing emissions, taxing us will have no impact whatsoever.

Cowardly... Because I stand up and voice my opinion......... :confused:

Cloaked...No, I state my views quite openly.

Your insistence that a very small percentage of people are totally honest, must by logic apply to Politicians, due you honestly believe that all their dictates are for your benefit........

And to comment on one sentence selected from my post, distorts by omission, its meaning.
It'll all be taken out of our hands as the oil runs out. The price will skyrocket and cheap motoring and cheap flights will be a thing of the past.
trazor said:
Cynical..Yes....This government knows very well, that unless the whole World participates in reducing emissions, taxing us will have no impact whatsoever.
I don't agree that it has no impact, and therefore I don't agree that the government knows it.

Cowardly... Because I stand up and voice my opinion......... :confused:
Cowardly because it wasn't open.

Cloaked...No, I state my views quite openly.
But to whom? Have you written to your MP about it?

Your insistence that a very small percentage of people are totally honest, must by logic apply to Politicians.
I disagree - I believe that there is no such thing as a completely honest politician within the UK government.

due you honestly believe that all their dictates are for your benefit.
No; nor have I implied that either I or they believe it.

And to comment on one sentence selected from my post, distorts by omission, its meaning.
I disagree. But I notice that you've done it. :rolleyes:
Eddie M said:
Another good reason for not living in or driving to London, I cherish the thought of when I move to the west country and never have to go back to the south east, it's becoming a hell hole. I've promised myself when I move that other than life threatening situations I shall never go back to London.
London would probably just be the testing ground for a future nationwide implementation.

What I can never understand is how paying money will make the difference? All it may end up doing is stopping a few, most who can afford it will just carry on driving them. If the Authorities are so "commited" on cleaning up the planet then enforce a total ban, this includes all Polluting businesses, power plants etc etc.

It's just talk and a nioe little money earner as it stands at the moment.
I don't like Ken's tactics. Anything he doesn't like, he taxes to try and make it go away.
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