Polo slow to accelerate

Thanks neo, will order it in the morning. could the coolant temperature sensor give out the symptoms i describe?
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Temp sender / 02 sensor / air flow meter / fuel filter.............. pick from any of those really!
Most of those *should* have registered a fault (dont think the AFM always does, and fuel filter will not) but it's still a bit hit and miss when you plug them in to the computer!
Temp sender is the cheapest and easiest thing to change, pretty sure on yours it's just held in by a C clip. Make sure the engine is cold (first thing in the morning job) and remove the expansion tank cap to release any pressure in the system. You will lose a little coolant, but no more than 1/2 pint if you're quick!
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Right, an update if i may........

Today the car has started misfiring quite badly. Removed all the spark plugs and 1,2 and 4 were fine. The 3rd plug however was very dark and blackened up. Im thinking this is a clue.

I tried another plug and a different HT lead ( for elimination purposes) even though im confident they are ok as i replaced them at xmas. This has made no difference.

Any further ideas?
Your black sparkplug does lndlcate englne wear, but 64000, and on a polo? nah, very much doubt lt.

Not sure lf you have a cat on that model, but when they start to go, they can also cause slmllar problems whlch you descrlbe (apart from a dlrty plug), long shot l know, but try dropplng the front manlfold and startlng the car and see lf lt feels/sounds any better. (cheapest optlon), lf not, start spendlng a blt of cash. l thlnk youv'e had all the answers your gonna get, lt can only be a certaln amount of thlngs. good luck.