Pomello - WTH?

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
just bought a "pomello" from lidl..

seems it's some sort of giant citrus fruit..

it's a rather non-descript taste, nothing at all like an orrange or lemon, or even grapefruit.. kind of bland..

anyone know when they're ripe and if they're supposed to have some sort of taste?
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Apparently, they are supposed to taste something like a very mild grapefruit (to which they are related). Extensively used in Asia for the flesh. In Chinese cooking the skin is sometimes grated into dishes. The peel can be candied and made into a sweet, covered in chocolate.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
basically the grapefruit is a hybrid between a pomello and a sweet orange.

grapefruits tend to have better taste.

Ugly fruit is not much better

Some citrus makes great juice but you would never be able to eat it jus like that.

Did you know that most oranges are actually green, there has to be the right condition for them to turn orange naturally. The best "lemonade" I've tasted was from dark green Seville oranges.

Oranges, lemons, limes are much like duck, geese, and swans. The distinction between them is not that clear cut, simply for cultural reason we choose varieties, that give us archetypal tastes.
Pomello may be one of the earliest, of that kind of fruit (berry). Earlier than the orange.
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I say pomello tastes quite nice. All the skin needs to be removed from the flesh. It is the crunchyness that I like.
Apparently, they are supposed to taste something like a very mild grapefruit (to which they are related). Extensively used in Asia for the flesh. In Chinese cooking the skin is sometimes grated into dishes. The peel can be candied and made into a sweet, covered in chocolate.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Thanks for that Candid answer :mrgreen: