Poor Sharon Shoesmith????? Not.

Because she got into the papers. None of the other cases that occur almost daily have.
Maybe she got lucky with those, of maybe she didn't fook up with them.

Bottom line is that she presided over a department which has serious flaws to the extent that at least one child was killed. That is sufficient, media involvement or not.

So we HATE her because her underlings....or more likely her underlings-underlings, f88ked up?

One of my staff once hit a child while driving too fast...should I be HATED for that?
I don't hate her. Due to ineptness caused in part by her management methods (failure to sufficiently monitor and appraise and adapt), a child died. It was her call - she goes.
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What about all the other kids that die? Same treatment?
Dex, I was talking more to the "this useless arrogant **** still hasnt had the karma she deserves" "Leech" people.

I fully support accountability in public office...but it is the hatred, from some members, I am struggling with.
What about all the other kids that die? Same treatment?
If it can be demonstrated that the departments that were involved in caring for them were badly run and managed, which contributed to the failure of sufficient protection being in place, then yes.

We're all well aware that you can't cotton-wrap every child. However, if there are significant failings within a system and the manager of that department is unaware of these failings and has not made provisions to resolve them, then they are responsible.
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How many children are on the 'at risk' register? It's the useless brain dead parents that are breeding these kids. Shouldn't THEY be the real targets of your wrath?

Thanks joe. Didnt think you would converse with me.... a lowly council tenant :D
Makes for interesting reading joe and exasburates (which Im shure iz speltt wrogly) what is wrong with the society we live in.

Dex, I was talking more to the "this useless arrogant **** still hasnt had the karma she deserves" "Leech" people.

I fully support accountability in public office...but it is the hatred, from some members, I am struggling with.
We've had emotive "discussions" before - these are always likely to sail close to the wind.

In this instance, the fact that Shoesmith herself was appealing against her dismissal does seem to suggest serious character flaws on her part. She has put herself on a pedestal to be pilloried. We all come across people like this - they seem to eventually think they are "untouchable". Pity really.

Thanks joe. Didnt think you would converse with me.... a lowly council tenant :D
Makes for interesting reading joe and exasburates (which Im shure iz speltt wrogly) what is wrong with the society we live in.


I'll make an exception. :LOL:

She gets the sack - and becomes a millionaire. Great isn't it?
How many children are on the 'at risk' register? It's the useless brain dead parents that are breeding these kids. Shouldn't THEY be the real targets of your wrath?
What wrath is that then? :confused:
Personally, Id like to 'take out' a few parents where I live. I whole-heartidly agree with joe here.

So...... you obtain a position of power with a wage matching your responsibility. You then fook up... let kids die.

Then sue for in excess of a million quid?

Fuuucked up to say the least.

Because she got into the papers. None of the other cases that occur almost daily have.
Maybe she got lucky with those, of maybe she didn't fook up with them.

Bottom line is that she presided over a department which has serious flaws to the extent that at least one child was killed. That is sufficient, media involvement or not.

So we HATE her because her underlings....or more likely her underlings-underlings, f88ked up?

One of my staff once hit a child while driving too fast...should I be HATED for that?

not everyone hates her but she carries the responsibility so her neck should be on the block
Dex, I was talking more to the "this useless arrogant **** still hasnt had the karma she deserves" "Leech" people.

I fully support accountability in public office...but it is the hatred, from some members, I am struggling with.

Whilst I can accept your point, I cannot agree with it. You seem devoid of emotion in my view. You seen 'aloof' of emotion and I struggle with that, especially when a small child had literally been beaten to death by the people who he looked at with them big blue eyes.

May I ask if you have a child (or children)?

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