Possible to replace a bleed screw?

Another way is take sensor off and put a 5p coin in the head then back on it presses the pin right down
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@gas112 love it! just need to find a 5p now :LOL: doesn't really seem to be cooling down on 0, can hear the flow reducing but clearly something still getting in. Either that or the lockshield is fitted on the flow end which is very possible
If you close both radiator valves ,then loosen the joint ( rad valve to rad tail) on one side of the rad.some water will drain out. If it stops because of a vacuum fit a cap on the tail. Then do the same on the other sides valve.
Carry the rad outside still full of water. You can drain it outside then trash it !!
Yes, that's possible but the radiator filled with water will be VERY heavy and therefore difficult to maneovre.
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Cheers for the advice all! Managed to get it off in the end, pretty fiddly as there was basically zero play on the return end so had to get it clear of the flow pipe and take it off sideways. Check out what I found underneath!


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@pcaouolte I was hoping to be able to get away with putting turning it down to 0 then capping the the radiator side of the valve. I’ll see if it eventually cools down otherwise decorators cap it is.
I did that once years ago when decorating our spare bedroom and when it turned cold at night, it opened. Luckily Mrs Mottie has the ears of a bat, heard it hissing and I ended up fitting the rad back on at around 2.30 in the morning. Didn’t have any carpet down luckily but had a bit of staining on the hall ceiling. I now keep my decorators caps in with my plumbing bits.
I did that once years ago when decorating our spare bedroom and when it turned cold at night, it opened. Luckily Mrs Mottie has the ears of a bat, heard it hissing and I ended up fitting the rad back on at around 2.30 in the morning. Didn’t have any carpet down luckily but had a bit of staining on the hall ceiling. I now keep my decorators caps in with my plumbing bits.
Read a few horror stories like this so I’ve gone belt and braces! Decorators cap on the TRV and then blank nuts on both.
i always put a blank on trv`s out of habit
it used to be quite funny in the past in winter a lot of trvs never had an actual off position but 5 degrees so people would take rads off during the day no water coming out of valve . The temp would drop overnight below 5 degrees valve would open and flood the room temp would rise and shut valve off people getting up wondering where the hell all the water came from

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