post locked



I see my post is now no one allowed to have a bit of a laugh and joke on this forum, or are you all deadly serious :mrgreen:
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I see my post is now no one allowed to have a bit of a laugh and joke on this forum, or are you all deadly serious :mrgreen:
Do you mean locked away? I cant even find your post. If I could, do you think that I would find it suitable for kids just into their teens to read? This is, after all, a family forum. ;)
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Yes of course, it was just lighthearted banter ..... my post was 'ripped off by plumbing charges please help' in plumbing and heating.
It had 18 pages and about 6000 views so it certainly wasn't anything bad.
Has it disappeared from the face of the earth
I had one removed in the plumbing forum about water softeners, i was wondering why some plumbers fit softeners and leave the outside tap hard when softened water can kill very young children.
Dont know why it was removed , it was a sensible observation that would have generated some good discussions. Must have hit a nerve I think.
I wonder if this thread will disappear as well now?
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