Just watched most of Truss's conference speech. Initial applause higher than any that followed. Usual Tory baited hooks followed by a Truss smile.
One hook interested me. GP appointments. Sorting that out it seems means getting one within 2 weeks. Generally our local GP's do better than that now but they are much longer than they used to be. All down to the deputy PM including ambulances and etc. She is going to sort all sorts.
Crime, safe on the streets, women etc all sorted. First PM to have attended a comprehensive school so she understands all. As a women also had to struggle work wise etc. Another smile.
Somehow I think that will become famous. Sort of grin+ The big grin with a laugh is even worse.
Comments about political correctness too - a right rats nest. It seems Tory want to use the terms they did use for different types of people and associated areas.
Mogg seemed to have a strange look on his face - maybe wondering if he had put his eggs in the wrong basket? Slow hand clapping too, probably normal for him?
Truss reckons she is facing an antigrowth coalition in her own party. The term doesn't have much of a ring too it. Better than nothing I suppose,
Oh covid aspects still figure. UK state/economy wise they do. Getting weaker and weaker in world terms and has been for a fairly long time now.
Germany edged higher in recent weeks.
Careful. Their year on year inflation is thought to have hit 10% according to a gov insider.
I can't find comparative figures for all for the same date. E Europe is doing worst of all in our part of the world.