power cuts

I was thinking more of what was going on in the dark to keep you all entertained for the full 10 hours. Nothing wrong at all.
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Some pubs have backrooms that are permanently blacked-out for that kind of thing.

So I'm told...
For some time, last year, we were getting them about twice a week, over a six month period. Each time only about 20 minutes. The last one was 8 hours. When the wife finally phoned up to ask how much longer it was going to be, it turned out, she was the first to report it! It was back up about 10 minutes later.

My father used to have a paranoid suspicion that power surges, cuts etc.. were a conspiracy to deliberately blow light bulbs. He suggested that the electricity board were getting back handers, from light bulb manufacturers, to blow a few light bulbs, now and again. :confused:
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I'm in the wilds of rural northeast Norfolk, and considering we're at the end of the network with a large quantity of overhead reticulation, we don't do too badly. Stormy weather brings some brown-outs and the occasional 30 to 60-second outage as an auto-recloser times out.

Extended failures are only about one per year, lasting for an hour or two while the PoCo sectionalizes the grid to restore power to unaffected lines. The only longer outage I've experienced in the 8 years I've lived here was 2 or 3 winters ago when the fault was on our local 11kV feeder and we were off about 8 hours.
Funny we should have been discussing this so recently, as we've just had one here. Went off at 6.30pm, at 7 I phoned the REC. Automated message said they were aware of the fault and expected to have it rectified by 10pm :evil: then it came back on 15 minutes ago (7.15pm) :D
We don't get many. A company we work for suffers from them frequently, but the REC has just reinforced the network by 'ringing' the substations and providing parallel paths.

The whole area went out a little while back when a 132Kv trip popped. They wouldn't reset it until they found the damage, but the chopper couldn't find a damaged pilon anywhere, and after 2 hours, they reset the trip. They never found out why.
ninebob said:
have it rectified by 10pm

Always knew you were a bit "ac/dc" :eek: (do I win the award for least appropriate AND most sad engineering joke all in one?)

I have had 2 power cuts in the last 3 years. First one was within hours of doing some electrics. Everything cut out in my flat, I thought it was my fault until I saw neighbours standing around outside saying "Is your power down too?!" to each other.

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