Power tool tragedy

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
A very sad angle grinder disaster....LINK
Hang on now it is a circular saw ! LINK

Cutting tools are so dangerous in everyday situations.
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This is why HSE have always said ladders are for access only. They have always been against people using them for working off and much prefer scaffolds etc. The problem being, off course, that the customer wouldn't usually want to pay the extra costs involved, mind you, I'm suprised at a school having people working like this.

Very sad. :(
If it's a single storey, scaffolding need not be expensive. It might be time consuming for small jobs but hiring a tower is a quicker way. I thought new ladder use regulations had just come into force, would these have helped here?
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I read today or yesterday about that guy using a power nailer in a bathroom who shot a 3" nail into his chest an thru the wall of his heart when slipping on a wet towel ,on getting up he had a terrible pain in his chest ,on looking down he had shot the nail straight through his chest ,he was rushed to Hospital still conciuos (sp)where they managed to save his life ..
If I was that guy I would be buying a lottery ticket on sat as he must be the luckiest man alive...

worse mishap I had was ripping floorboards with a circ saw an it hit a nail in the joist ,an the blade shattered in a massive ..BANG ,
a big chunk had snapped an shot a 2" of blade over my head an lodged in the bathroom door ,it was so impounded I couldnt pull it out ...I was in a state of shock for about 15mins sat on the side of the bath shaking ,thanking God !!

what was your close call with power tools ?
Moz said:
what was your close call with power tools ?

ive had a few minor accidents/near misses but fortunatly nothin too serious