prickly heat

thankyou all for your replies... he gets a rash which is flat and is like lots of red dots but also, mainly on his chest area gets a raised rash.

I need to watch carefully I guess when it happens and what it is like.
He obviously does not cope well with temperstature and sunlight.

Interestingly, he suffered febrile convulsions until five years old, if his temperature rose to suddenly.
I will take the time to read the links too. thank you .
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spice said:
Toffee, I think its one of the symptons you can get with hayfever, I get it, and I scratch like mad, and have to take an antihisamene (spelling)This only started a few years ago, but up till then I was okay.
Now to make flippen matters worse, this year, not only have I got prickly heat to contend with, at the weekend, I devoleped another sympton of hay fever, my eyes were so painful I was crying, they puffed up, stinning like mad, and everything went blurred, I couldnt see the TV, and I know there was no way I could have driven.

So again, after all these years of being okay,I am now getting more than one sympton of hayfever,and I am not a happy bunny, as I love being in the garden. :cry:
Spice, your rash sounds like something I get at the start of the hay fever season. Tiny red, watery blisters, that usually come in blotches. Common areas are on the palms of the hands, in between the fingers and the underside of your forearm. I went to the docs a few years back and he prescribed me Eumovate cream. It worked a treat. It's now available over the counter for about £6 a tube. It stops the itching almost immediately and clears up the rash in a few days. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Gcol, I used to use that cream, and one called betnovate, one of them, cant remember which one, I had to use very sparingly as there was steroids or something in, but the relief was bliss.
I didnt know you could get it over the chemist, as used to get it prescribed, but havent used it for years.

I know take what I call my 'scratch tablet', the antihistmens ones, and they work in approx an hour, but they dont seem to be doing the trick for my weeping puffy eyes.
I was off today from work, so decided to get a bit of sun, so took a 'clarityn' a good couple of hours before i went out in the garden, was out about an hour, and eyes started again, took another one, and had to come in, have been dabbing my eyes in cold water for the hour or so, but the puffiness and soreness has gone.

I cant believe I am getting this after all these years, of being able to stay out, I cant keep taking 2 clarityn a day, I'm sure it cant be good for me. :rolleyes:
I've found Benadryl (blue box, not the orange one a day which were rubbish!) to be the only thing that works for me.
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spice said:
Gcol, I used to use that cream, and one called betnovate, one of them, cant remember which one, I had to use very sparingly as there was steroids or something in, but the relief was bliss.
I didnt know you could get it over the chemist, as used to get it prescribed, but havent used it for years.

I know take what I call my 'scratch tablet', the antihistmens ones, and they work in approx an hour, but they dont seem to be doing the trick for my weeping puffy eyes.
I was off today from work, so decided to get a bit of sun, so took a 'clarityn' a good couple of hours before i went out in the garden, was out about an hour, and eyes started again, took another one, and had to come in, have been dabbing my eyes in cold water for the hour or so, but the puffiness and soreness has gone.

I cant believe I am getting this after all these years, of being able to stay out, I cant keep taking 2 clarityn a day, I'm sure it cant be good for me. :rolleyes:
Yeah it's got steroids in it and you use it sparingly, cause it turns your skin a little leathery. I heard something years back that hay fever symptoms come in 7 year cycles. Not too sure how true that is, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Sounds a bit like BS to me though.