Printer sensor

Hi Carol, John

My first car was a '39 Prefect, I guess the '53 was the same but had the headlights in the wings instead of on top. The '51 Hillman Minx I replaced it with was like a Rolls royce in comparison. I will leave you to the handbags and polish John :D

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Handbags and polish are essentially my scene, Peter :p
Just a dab of the old Autoglym behind the ears and I can do no wrong :D
John :)
PS Hope you escaped the wretched floods :eek:
We are about 500' up so if we had been flooded the rest of Charmouth would have been in dead trouble :D The only upside is that our well which went dry in November now has water in it again but it looks like mud :(

Some friends in Axminster had water within about 3" of the door and the other end of the road the houses were flooded, possibly you saw them on the news.

Good morning Peter and John,

Hope your both well, sorry for delay in posting result it has take a while to resolve the problem of the printer! :rolleyes:

Last resort I changed the ink cartridges as instruction said use up cartridges within 6 months of opening! Printer worked. Hum!, put cartridges in last year sometime - hadn't used up the ink but had been over 6 months.

Look forward to getting the better weather can start working on getting the car ready for winter. Have to check regasing air conditioning. Fortunatly there is a chap that specializes not far away, could have a prob. with availability of gas needed - another of those EU directives. Still, can always open and shut the window. :)

POET'S day, take care and have a good weekend! :D
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Hi carol

Pleased you sorted your computer out OK. I have just put windows 7 in mine and am having all sorts of problems, its not compatable with my Office 2000 or my email programme.

The weather is supposed to be improving next week, my aircon doesn't work but I'm not really bothered, it very rarely gets to hot for me and it works in the other car if I get desperate.

Good morning both :D
Just regarding the A/C Carol, the like of Kwikfit etc will recharge your system for around the £40 mark....but if the system fails soon afterwards you don't pay anything.
It could be worth a phone call!
John :)
Hi carol

I have just put windows 7 in mine and am having all sorts of problems, its not compatable with my Office 2000


We run Windows 7 on a laptop and XP on desktops and all work ok with Office 2000.
But you might have to reload Office?

Hope this helps
Hi Peter, have Windows 7 with Office 2010 perhaps there are updates you can use. Do you have Firefox! I find everytime firefox updates it find something it doesn't support or is not compatable with. Firefox updated yesterday been getting problems with Adobe not working properly.

Will look at my Windows 2010 and see how it working after firefox update.

Regards Carol
Thanks for that. We had to reload Office 2000 is it wasn't there, initially it wouldn't work, then it did and I made out and filled in a table and printed it out, OK so far, then I tried to print it out from the saved copy and just got a load of hyrogliphics. When I try and display anything previously stored from XP the same happens.

If you wanted to had a look in "my computer" and check that the old file (that will not open) has the same file name ending as the new file you just saved (that will open).

If not right click on the file name and change the ending. For example for Word files they will end ***********.DOC because its a document file.

Not sure about the printer
Thanks for all your suggestions, we tried everything, some of it would work some wouldn't. My son downloaded 'Apache Open Office' which is free and works a treat even with documents made on 2000.

Hi Peter, glad you got sorted, clever lad you have!

Have a good weekend folks!

Regards Carol :)
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