Priti Patel .....dark forces smear campaign

show me a few dozen of mine.
I have things to do, I have a life so I am not going to spend too much time searching past posts like you, but a few here of you mocking Donald Trump, his skin is a different colour.

"President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information about so-called Islamic State (IS) to Russia's foreign minister, US media report.

The information, related to the use of laptops on aircraft, came from a partner of the US which had not given permission for it to be shared with Russia,
says the Washington Post."

"The intelligence disclosed came from a US ally and was considered too sensitive to share with other US allies, the papers report.

Others present realised the mistake and scrambled to "contain the damage" by informing the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA), says the Post."

Let me think, do we know a Western nation that has a good overseas Intelligence network and shares information with the US on a nobody-else-to-know basis?

"Then there is the question of whether US allies will be more reluctant to share sensitive intelligence information with the US, lest the president put sources at risk.

This will only stoke accusations by Trump critics that the president is undisciplined and inexperienced in the delicacies of foreign policy, where his shoot-from-the hip style presents an ongoing danger."

Donald has a habit of grabbing hold of male leaders and dragging them towards him to show dominance (he refused to shake Angela's hand, but held Theresa's hand as if she was a nervous schoolgirl)

Nice to see a tougher man than him taking control.

Sadly he is clearly incompetent


Not our problem, but rather embarrassing

"Donald Trump cancels First World War cemetery visit because it's raining
Trump and wife Melania were due to fly to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial by helicopter"

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JohnD has an obsession. With the word obsession :confused:

He's obsessed with it :LOL:
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Show me a few dozen examples.

He also hates any one reports sex abuse cases carried out by foreigners

Any one who criticises the EU

Any one who likes buffoon Johnson
Any one who does not like buffoon Corbyn
Any one who does not care for buffoon Abbot
Hates Theresa May because her shoes cost a few squid
Hates any one who likes Trump
Having a go at Kahnt and Abbott has nothing to do with colour, if they were white they would still be inept .
Whats inept about Khan?

Was it that garden bridge
Maybe it was water cannons
I was surprised to hear Khan had cut police force by 43,000
Why dont you move.

Why should I? It's the dope smokers who should move, or rather BE moved - to prison. The sentence for cannabis is 5 years; if the law were enforced as it should be we would never smell it anywhere.
Why should I? It's the dope smokers who should move, or rather BE moved - to prison. The sentence for cannabis is 5 years; if the law were enforced as it should be we would never smell it anywhere.
What?! Why 5 years for smoking a bit of weed? Never done me any harm...
I dont think so anyway
Youth murder rates up 70%
Rape up 18.3%
Theft up 33.9%
Gun crime up 16.3%
Khan is the Mayor he has hardly control over crime

Blame the Tory govt for futting 43,000 from police force.

You really have been conned by the Tories havent you.
Mayor Khan announced that Croydon is to be
Londons "Borough of culture" in 2023 with a 1.35 million city Hall grant

Croydon of course is the artistic Borough which in 2018 helped fund performances involving butt plugs and laxatives in art work to demystify the anus


( no I do nt have a link)
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