Private Number Plates

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Two Mercs tonight:

FR17NK H - I’m assuming it belongs to Frank H

A S18LEY - belongs to a local has-been celeb and former Big Brother contestant, Alex Sibley who lives near us. When our daughter was about 13, she was obsessed with Big Brother and went with a friend to his parents house to take a stone from his front garden as a souvenir. He came out and talked to them and some other 'fans' for a while and gave them all signed photographs. She left hers on the hall table for me to see when I came in but I replaced it with a colour photocopy on which I had drawn a few black teeth and devils horns. When she came in and saw it, there was an almighty blood curdling scream until I owned up. I got a good ear-bashing from Mrs Mottie for pranking her!
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Close, but no cigar on a Hilux, with:
"B16 WHG"
Although probably as close as you can get without an 'I'!
I think I know who these two belong to...

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I've seen so many today, I just can't remember them all - got to get a dashcam!

The couple I can recall:


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