Private Number Plates

I had a good mate named Garth. After his divorce , He bought a new car and got a PP. From a distance it clearly said “GARTH”. On closer inspection, it only worked as he added bits of black tape.!!

I can’t recall what the reg was , and cannot work it out, but was not G4RTH, more like a £300 job.

It cracked me up, and I said he will soon get pulled and probably fined. He then reminded me that he was going out with a WPC.!! She was as mad as a box of frogs, and they split up. Haven’t seen him in years, but I am fairly sure she did not repot him.

Wouldn’t get away with it now - ANPR would have him
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Just seen one (no photo though, @Mottie , as I was driving ;) ) that seemed totally pointless to me.

W207 UAF, on an Audi A3.

Surely it must be a private plate, coz A3s are far newer than 1981-2?

And I can't make out any "meaning" in it: any ideas?
Surely it must be a private plate, coz A3s are far newer than 1981-2?

And I can't make out any "meaning" in it: any ideas?

Legit plate - the car was manufactured in 2000 (W reg), although it may be an import - first registered with DVLA in 2016.
And A3s we're first introduced in 1996.

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There are some real saddos out there if those plates are anything to go by.

Some plates are amusing, but the majority of the cheap plates that are supposed to say something, with number 3s, 6s, etc supposed to represent letters, are so difficult to decipher you have to ask what the point is. Agree that there are a lot of desperate attention whores out there with far more money than sense.
Some plates are amusing, but the majority of the cheap plates that are supposed to say something, with number 3s, 6s, etc supposed to represent letters, are so difficult to decipher you have to ask what the point is
This morning I saw a Transit van with the reg R90FAA with the 9 having both white and black fixing bolts in the 'right' places to make it look like an 'O'. Yep, it was a roofers van…….
And when made to remove those screws, it will revert to "our gopher". Nice
Sitting in the traffic this morning I saw this:

I have no ****ing idea what it is supposed to be.

Anyway, he drove off and Mr billy big bucks pulled in.

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