Private Number Plates

Could have been a disabled driver, disabled bays full and needed plenty of room to get out?
Only if the CLowHn had no other spaces to use, which wasn't the case, not by a long chalk.

Rest of the car park was 3 parts empty.

God forbid any of them had to walk more than the width of a pavement, probably why they had to park in those spaces.....
Since "clown" has reversed in, they probably left that amount of room to be able to open the door. But, fruitcakes the lot of of them,
Driving, so didn't take a photo.

Yesterday, saw a white compact SUV type thingy, with


spaced as written.

A bold claim......
I saw one tonight, from memory I think it was M1 AAO. Maybe a cat lover but he was at a place for dog walkers and was putting his dog back in the car. I didn't like to take a picture when he was there. It was a white BMW.