Private Number Plates

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Not a private as in "vanity" plate, but I've just seen a silver-ish BMW with dents all over it, its back end held together with what looks like parcel tape, blasting down the approach to the drive thru at Maccies.

Hardly surprising that the car looks like it does, given the way it's being driven.

Plate was something like AE14 YBF

Certainly, they should be on a Jeremy Beadle show......
Went out without my phone yesterday.

Saw two cars locally, with seemingly identical plates. One a BM, the other a Merc.

When I checked online, one has 2 numbers and 3 letters, the other has 3 numbers and 2 letters.

25 OOO
25 0OO

But the way the zero and "O" are the same in Charles Wright mean they look identical.
Not a private as in "vanity" plate, but I've just seen a silver-ish BMW with dents all over it, its back end held together with what looks like parcel tape, blasting down the approach to the drive thru at Maccies.

Hardly surprising that the car looks like it does, given the way it's being driven.

Until a few years ago a neghbour's relative used to visit in their knackered Metro, that looked very unloved. Unsurprisingly.

The reg was PT17, which I would hazard a guess is quite a valuable plate. Always used to think it an odd pairing - a virtually valueless old nail wearing an expensive plate.
Until a few years ago a neghbour's relative used to visit in their knackered Metro, that looked very unloved. Unsurprisingly.

The reg was PT17, which I would hazard a guess is quite a valuable plate. Always used to think it an odd pairing - a virtually valueless old nail wearing an expensive plate.

I wouldn't be surprised if they lived in unheated squalor, and left an estate that was the best part of a million.
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