Wasn’t a particularly good wrap either.
This one is up for auction.
A little bit surprised it’s even allowed
DVLA Auctions of Personalised Registrations
To save people looking at the link
2 FU
No more than ours when this lot get wet!I bet those vans absolutely stink
Yep. Can tell which one any of the dogs are. All of us owners can. They've all got different faces, seriously, as well as different sizes, colours, ears, marking, tails etc etc. It really is easy to tell. Only once, when they were very young and we were just getting used to them, did Susie look like her litter sister, Meg. For a joke, I swapped the collars on them and it was funny to watch 'Susie' and 'Meg' completely ignoring Mrs Mottie and her mate who was Megs owner when they were calling them and trying to get a lead on them.Without the collar, can you tell which one is Suzzie?