probarbly a one off?

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"probarbly" and "i year old" . I bet she can already spell better than you. :LOL:
Who was "Supervising" your grand daughter at the time of the accident?

Where there's blame there's a claim. ;) ;) ;)

PS hope she's alright. ;)
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If I had a childminder, that used i as 1, then I'd slowly back away. And you Libby Lou, to pm ME...I think is slightly wrong.?
If I had a childminder, that used i as 1, then I'd slowly back away. And you Libby Lou, to pm ME...I think is slightly wrong.?

Not a clue?.............

OK, the spelling is terrible, and you sent me a PM that I can't make head nor tale of..

i is not a number. Unless using roman numerals. Or are you saying I don't have a clue, the carer, the child, or you? Nevermind.