I hung such a wallpaper in my bathroom with a view to painting over it with kitchen and bathroom emulsion. Despite several tricky corners, I felt I did a good job with the paper and all went well until i came to paint it. For some reason, it has failed to dry completely (after a year it still feel tacky) but what is even worse is that it has what look like scratches in various areas made by a very persistent cat capable of jumping 5 or 6 feet. I can't for the life of me think what the cause of the problem is but I suspect the paint itself (BQ Colours Premium soft sheen) is faulty as I have used the same paper in another room and covered it with Dulux Soft Sheen with no problem at all. Nor do I know how to remedy it.
A decorator, I spoke to suggest covering it with a Zinner primer such as 123 and then using another brand of emulsion over it but I cannot see how that would solve the problem if the emulsion I used hasn't properly adhered to the surface of the paper. He reckoned the two weren't compatible because they were both vinyl products, which didn't make much sense to me as I would have thought that would have been made clear on the products themselves. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks
A decorator, I spoke to suggest covering it with a Zinner primer such as 123 and then using another brand of emulsion over it but I cannot see how that would solve the problem if the emulsion I used hasn't properly adhered to the surface of the paper. He reckoned the two weren't compatible because they were both vinyl products, which didn't make much sense to me as I would have thought that would have been made clear on the products themselves. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks
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