Well, that's where this page of answers came in.
I understand P saying check the burner pressure - if the boiler is at half power for some reason you wouldn't get full HW performance.
You can check it yourself though - put the HW on full and watch the gas meter. Time how long it takes for 1 cu ft of gas, in seconds. Call that T
then (3600/T) x 1035 gives Btu/hr. So if T was 36 you'd have 103,500 Btu/hr.
If it's a Puma 80, expect something like 90,000 cos you're measuringthe input not the output. 1kW = 3412 Btu/hr.
You've fixed the leak on the wax cap then?
Is that chrome pipe going up into the H/E hotter now?
Is it a hard water area?
and how can you tell from
that there's stuff "underneath"? Still haven't found where it gives the sensor resistances!
I understand P saying check the burner pressure - if the boiler is at half power for some reason you wouldn't get full HW performance.
You can check it yourself though - put the HW on full and watch the gas meter. Time how long it takes for 1 cu ft of gas, in seconds. Call that T
then (3600/T) x 1035 gives Btu/hr. So if T was 36 you'd have 103,500 Btu/hr.
If it's a Puma 80, expect something like 90,000 cos you're measuringthe input not the output. 1kW = 3412 Btu/hr.
You've fixed the leak on the wax cap then?
Is that chrome pipe going up into the H/E hotter now?
Is it a hard water area?
and how can you tell from
that there's stuff "underneath"? Still haven't found where it gives the sensor resistances!