Putin supports Brexit and no Second Referendum

The Russians interfered in the Brexit vote ;)

Also Boris is a Russian name afaik
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and Johnson is slang for cock too. It's all starting to make sense!
I guess its too much to hope that quitters will ever come to realise that they've been totally had?

But in years to come 'brexiteer' will become synonymous with 'traitor'!

You speak of Viscount Halifax. If we followed this man as a nation we would now be speaking German, if not possibly Russian.

Let's give up shall we?
I guess its too much to hope that quitters will ever come to realise that they've been totally had?
Yes, but they will never dare admit it, and instead they will blame everybody and everything except their own gullibility.

But in years to come 'brexiteer' will become synonymous with 'traitor'!
It already is.
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