Pyronix alarm system one year old.
I removed the cover of a sensor to paint round it. Switched the tamper alarm off. Finished painting, replaced cover, tried to reset the system -- now the system is saying 'engineer restore required'. Control flashes continuous orange. Has been like that for 10 days now as no Pyronix help over the holiday. Pyronix help today got back to say find a new installer.
Installer was subcontractor to a builder who has walked away leaving us half built, so we're finishing house-build ourselves. We have almost no info about how to use the system. I should probably have switched it off more elegantly. I don't think we have any zones set, don't know what A and B mean.
We have a code which I think is the default engineers' code. Have tried to use it.
I'm fairly competent with networks and programming, I'd expect to be able to install the system from scratch. Wish I had done that at the outset, but it was an insurance job so I was lazy. Please can anyone help?
Pyronix alarm system one year old.
I removed the cover of a sensor to paint round it. Switched the tamper alarm off. Finished painting, replaced cover, tried to reset the system -- now the system is saying 'engineer restore required'. Control flashes continuous orange. Has been like that for 10 days now as no Pyronix help over the holiday. Pyronix help today got back to say find a new installer.
Installer was subcontractor to a builder who has walked away leaving us half built, so we're finishing house-build ourselves. We have almost no info about how to use the system. I should probably have switched it off more elegantly. I don't think we have any zones set, don't know what A and B mean.
We have a code which I think is the default engineers' code. Have tried to use it.
I'm fairly competent with networks and programming, I'd expect to be able to install the system from scratch. Wish I had done that at the outset, but it was an insurance job so I was lazy. Please can anyone help?