Quality of Plastering

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Shocking workmanship. I bet some of the old, original plaster underneath, that was skimmed over, was in better finished condition than the "new plaster" that has just been put on. If that was my work, i'd be ashamed. Sorry to be so blunt about this, and nothing is ever perfect, but that is a very poor job overall.
So, in the position that I either ask it to be re-done? Or refuse payment? I hate situations like this...not that I have been in one before.

Then we are in the scenario of, if someone messed it up, can they actually possess the skill to put it right.

Although, it was a situation where the person who quoted and did not end up doing the work. Two randomers turned up. Which was a bit frustrating but I rolled with it as I thought he would pick good staff.
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Go back to the person that quoted for the job, he subbed the job out, its his responsibility to put it right
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Tell him you're not happy with the job, and the reasons why. When you pay good money for a job, you want it done properly. Why should the painter be the one to correct all the flaws and blemishes? Ask him if he could do it again, and make a better job of it, or if not, agree to a lower price, knowing that someone else, (the painter), will have extra work, (filling, correcting etc). He'll learn from his mistakes.
some of the corners in your photos look abysmal ... tough one for you and not a nice situation to be in to have to confront tradesman but you cannot pay for that
agree its rubbish and you have paid top dollar too, in fact over the top
Had the guy round today. Cited my concerns.

He said he would redo the bay and the wonky lines. He would also re-do the bay reveal where that slightly visible square of plaster board is.

He also apologised for the mess on the skirting. He spotted that before I brought it up.

He felt that the marks on the walls are cosmetic and due to the application of water to deal with the plaster going off so quick and did not think they would appear at all once a decorator had painted it.

The walls do feel flat and consistant to touch. To give him the benifit of the doubt, the pictures may be making the room look worse that it is. It is hard to say as I do not have years of experience looking at finished plastering jobs.
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Thanks for the update Dishman,,, at least he's willing to be helpful getting the job up to standard. Keep us informed anyway, and all the best to ya.
No probs.

He said he probably thought his guy had issues getting a straight line due to the socket being there and the lack of space for the trowel to properly skim a good line (i'm paraphrasing). If they had only asked I would have removed the socket completley and put a chock on the cables for them.

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With regard to the raised square bump on the bay reveal. He said that he would re-do it all If I wanted. He would have to put new angle beads over the existing (new) angle beads in order raise the level enough.

I am still debating if this is worth doing, but you can feel a slight bump. I am just trying to determine how visible it will be when finished.

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Regarding the bump, you know its there if you leave it, it will always be a niggle and you will wish you had it put right in the first place.
I assume there is no issue in putting angle beads over angle beads to raise the level, if re-doing the bay frame/reveal.
No real issue, you'll just have an extra few mm added to the wall.

Got to admit, the first pictures didn't look too bad, but the close up ones showed how bad it was. I'm only DIY but when I do my own I wouldn't dream of leaving that mess on the skirting, my wife wouldn't sign it off! :D

Makes my amateur work look ok...



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