That's interesting. I think I'm satisfied now that the recorded kwh usage in the boiler (as a daily average) is what I should expect.I'm just using the 88% figure, it won't change the calculations to any big degree anyway.
On that basis then you might say that those bottles are ony being filled to 57.4%, 1509/2627, or if you only used 3.25 bottles in december, 74.2%, 1509/2035, which is what you suspect (75%), get that weighing scales out of the bathroom.
So now the discrepancy seems to be with the kwh usage when compared to what the bottles should be containing. I will be weighing the new bottles which should arrive tomorrow.
According to the my calculations, if I'm paying £75 per bottle and it should contain 656kwh of gas, then that should work out at 11.43p per kwh.
I need to monitor over the next few weeks.