The Approved Document P itself contains errors and ambiguities. Notwithstanding that, it's not the law.
Only a Court of Law is the law. However deluded you and BAS are on this, it is a Court of Law that finds a person guilty or not guilty. It's a small consideration in a free and civilised society, but it's one which has obviously slipped your mind.
The definition of a Special Location as defined in the Building Regs is a nonsense. No amount of your silly comments can change that. Now that both you and BAS have understood your long standing misunderstanding on this point, you seem unable to accept the prodigious amounts of egg on your chins.
And I challenge your assertion that BS7671 was produced either for anyone other than electricians to read, or to 'be helpful'. Notwithstanding that, it's not the law.
I'm very sorry that you are unable to find BS7671 helpful. I find it very informative and very helpful as do thousands of other intelligent people.
But here you go again - asserting what is and isn't the law. You can fool some fools some of the time...Here is one example in which BS7671 becomes the Law as you insist on calling it. A contract is signed in which 'activity A' will be installated in strict compliance with Regulation x,y,z of BS7671:2008'. That would be called Contract Law. I've chosen a simple example as to use a more complex example would surely cause your brain to explode.
Whatever you regard the Building Regulations to be, even if it's "mumbo jumbo" to you, it doesn't change the fact that it overrides both BS7671:2008 and your own beliefs, in the context of zones and notification, nor the fact that it's perfectly clear to a lot of people.
Can you provide a legal definition for 'over-rides'? In exactly what way does it over-ride BS7671 - earthing and bonding, Max. Zs? In which legal situations would it over-ride BS7671? Also, it's nice of you to presume to know my beliefs and to specify what over-rides my beliefs. Try and stick to facts and not bring hocus-pocus into your arguments.
You might like to note that it was once perfectly clear to lots of 'educated' people that the Earth was flat. The fact, however, remained unchanged. No matter how much you prattle on, the fact remains that BS7671:2001 does not defines any Zones 'for a bath' or 'for a shower'.
If in your own fantasy world, you accept the absolute authority of the Building Regs as the 'Law', you must also accept it exactly as it is written.
Like BAS, you are guilty of simply ignoring the wording when is suits you and if you presented such an argument in a Court of Law, I'm sure a recess would be callled for fear that laughter would bring the roof down.
If you're having difficulty in interpreting its meaning, then so be it. There's nothing you can do, and nothing you can write, that will remove the clarity for those of us who can easily see it.
I'm afraid it is you who is having difficulty in understanding the written word. And nothing you can write or say or do can change the fact that BS7671:2001 does not define Zones 'for a bath' or 'for a shower'. Whatever the 'intentions' of the definition in the Building Regs, the fact is that as written, they do not make sense because BS7671:2001 does not define Zones 'for a bath' or 'for a shower'.
Maybe the Zones are actually FOR the purpose of specifying physical areas within a location in order to define which electrical equipment can be selected and erected in them. The reference point may be a bath or a shower, but the Zones are not FOR a bath or shower.
I say 'maybe' because unlike you and BAS I don't presume that I am able to make a ruling on a matter of the 'Law' or offer an an absolute defintion. on a point of Law. I'm afraid I'm not deluded in that way.
Anyway, it's going around in circles. I can accept that we differ on this