Racist attacks in Belfast.

Having a large pool of unemployed labour, to me would seem counter productive if benefits have to be paid out.
What we are experiencing now, is the aftermath of poor immigration control, it was all well and good letting immigrants in to do the jobs our people were reluctant to do, that had the effect of reducing the unemployment figures, so they looked better.
Now with manufacturing industries going to the wall, and the government allowing it to happen, we have the situation that, skilled and valuable workers are being thrown on the scrap heap, with little or no chance of ever finding comparable work, the immigrants however in the lesser jobs, continue in their employment.
This country has gone sadly wrong, when we can't look after our own first, the economy is based on taxation rather than growth, we have no chance.

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Having a large pool of unemployed labour, to me would seem counter productive if benefits have to be paid out.
What we are experiencing now, is the aftermath of poor immigration control, it was all well and good letting immigrants in to do the jobs our people were reluctant to do, that had the effect of reducing the unemployment figures, so they looked better.
Now with manufacturing industries going to the wall, and the government allowing it to happen, we have the situation that, skilled and valuable workers are being thrown on the scrap heap, with little or no chance of ever finding comparable work, the immigrants however in the lesser jobs, continue in their employment.
This country has gone sadly wrong, when we can't look after our own first, the economy is based on taxation rather than growth, we have no chance.

If benefits were not being paid to the unemployed then society would be back to twenties, the unemployed would have no alternative but to find work to survive, they would be competing against other unemployed for a finite number of jobs this would force wages down, they would also have to consider taking the jobs that migrants are doing, this should make the country more competitive.

When there is full employment and labour is scarce then workers can demand higher wages this makes the country less competitive, so is the benefit system the cause of mass immigration?
Human nature being as it is, most people will look for the easy option, free hand outs, our country is not known as the promised land for nothing, had stricter control been placed on immigration, then there would not be so many unemployed.
The premise that with low unemployment will force wages down, and the workforce would have to consider doing the jobs that the migrants are doing, is slightly flawed, how do you get the migrants to relinquish those jobs, the skilled jobs that have disappeared because companys have moved to where the labour is cheaper, will never return, unless we can compete with the developing countries wage wise, wich is highly unlikely.
It's a vicious circle, to wich there is no easy answer.
Don't worry about immigrants taking jobs. As soon as they've been here for 12 months they can get benefits and won't bother working. Human nature is the same all around the world. As soon as immigrant people are illegible to get paid for doing nothing then guess what? They'll do nothing. (apart from work the black economy).
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Nevermind 12 months, they come here, don't work at all, then argue the toss and get paid out 12 months worth of family credit. For a family that was no UK origins!
Well then it seems we should have a radicle shake up, no benefits till they have contributed into our system for a minimum of ten years.
If they can't accept that then an assisted passage back to their country of origin.

When there is full employment and labour is scarce then workers can demand higher wages this makes the country less competitive, so is the benefit system the cause of mass immigration?

Apart from nu labour courting their vote, open borders throughout Europe and the rise in agency work as employers struggle to fire people these days with the verbal and written warning procedures.
who gives a **** about romanians, they shouldnt be in ireland only romania, ****ing pikies :evil:
You can't say that. The Mods will slap you.
They called it progress...do away with management and empower the workforce, did it work? did it hell

Knew of a 'medium sized' engineering company that did that.

Lets call it xyz Engineering, because some people are still in trouble/debt due to this
Most of the workers have been there man and boy for over 20 years. Owners decide to sell so workforce clubs together and buys the company.
Can't use XYZ so they change to ABC Engineering. New customers don't want to know as they have not been trading under that name for very long. Old customers don't want to know because they are unsure the new 'owners' can make a success of it.
Its the same guys who have been making a success of it for over 20 years FFS!
"Don't care, we are used to the managers that used to be there before."
They are still there and still doing the managing."
"But its not the same company."
"It is, just a different name."
"Hm, not sure. We'll go to pqr for now and if/when you get established give us a call and we'll think about it."

They went bust in 2 years owing thousands and because they had used their own money as well as obtaining credit they lost everything.
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