Racist woman on tram

They do. Look at every poll we've ever had in this forum and they overwhelmingly agree with me.
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They do. Look at every poll we've ever had in this forum and they overwhelmingly agree with me.

What 23 out of 37, and with 850 views, you're having a giraffe. :LOL: :LOL: :rolleyes:

Aww, go on tell me I've just voted, go on, you know you want to.
Aah, I see your thinking You think that polls on DIYnot are representative of the general population. :rolleyes:

Why didn't I realise that. :LOL:
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They had one on sunday on the BBC about whether Britain was full - 94% said it was. Find me one that says it isn't.
so all polish people are white? well i never new that interesting fact ? learn something new every day.

Well, 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of them are.

Krakow is very nice this time of year. You should visit. You would have a clue what you were on about then. :rolleyes:
2.7% of population of poland was classified other ethnic group at 2002 census .
just cause someones polish doesnt make the white .
They had one on sunday on the BBC about whether Britain was full - 94% said it was.
I'll take your word for that.

Find me one that says it isn't.

I doubt if I could very easily. I don't intend to try.
It doesn't make it accurate though.

It certainly doesn't justify your Idi Amin/Mugabe approach to migrants/immigrants or anyone else that chooses to live and/or work in a different area/country than that in which they were born.

Neither have you given much thought to your strategy. Suppose the UK required all EU citizens to return to their country of birth. How do you think those countries would retaliate. We'd have an awful lot of disgruntled British migrants returning to UK.
How would the NHS cope with so many pensioners returning from abroad where they pay for private health care?
How would the NHS and other organisations cope with the sudden loss of experienced and skilled workers.

Give it a bit of thought. :rolleyes:
Who mentioned enforced return? I said I'd like immigration stopped until our young people are in full employment. Stop making it up. It makes you look insincere.
Who mentioned enforced return? I said I'd like immigration stopped until our young people are in full employment. Stop making it up. It makes you look insincere.

Will these do?

She was an embarrassment and out of order - HOWEVER - she was making a point about IMMIGRATION. She said they should all go home and every poll we've ever had has a greed with her.

I'm anti immigrant - we are full up

If you take out the silly talk you'd see that what she was really saying is that immigrants should go back to their own countries as they are causing British people grief by employment, wage suppression etc. I'd say the vast majority of British people would agree with that. We are already overcrowded - so when will it end? Her kid will never get a job. This is only the beginning.

BTW, I haven't checked any other threads. ;)

OK. I had a quick gander at another thread:

Where are these views then? It's the Poles and illegal immigrants I want to go home. The Poles can come back when our young people are in full employment.
Its strange that you don't feel the same way about French, Spanish, Italians, Germans, etc. Just the Poles, Oh, and the illegals, of course.
Not the legal immigrants any more. :rolleyes:

Hoisted by one's own petard seems appropriate.
Ethnic groupsMain article: Minorities in Poland
Polish 96.7%,
German 152.897
Ukrainians - 150.000
Belarusians - 47.640
Vietnamese - 40.000
Armenians - 20.858
Russians (including Chechens) - 12.550
Chinese - 8.016
Arabs - 4.072
Indians - 2.094

Help me out here, which of these are classed as Roma? :confused:
Is she saying what we are all thinking but too afraid to say?
adolf hitler had the right idea...........
maybe he saw it coming well how many immigrants have you seen with blonde hair/blue eyes....
light fuse walk away.
Poles, Australians, Brazilians. We have over 1,000,000 kids unemployed. Yes I want them to go home so we can train our own, Do you have a problem with that? If so - what is it?

Are sure now, Joe.

Who mentioned enforced return? I said I'd like immigration stopped until our young people are in full employment. Stop making it up. It makes you look insincere.

You seem to be flip-flopping a bit. :rolleyes:
FFS. They aren't daft enough to appear in official statistics. :rolleyes: Could be masquerading as Ukranians though. I wouldn't put that past them. Or maybe Arabs. They're a bit swarthy too.

So the 2.7% aren't Roma after all. :rolleyes: Unless, of course, the other ethnicities don't really exist and the Roma have nicked their identities.

Ohh where will this conspiracy end? :rolleyes:
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