I had rats in the garden last year. They were tunnelling into my garden storage box and eating out of the rubbish bags. I bought a wire rat trap and managed to move them all one by one to a local wood.
I had rats in the garden last year. They were tunnelling into my garden storage box and eating out of the rubbish bags. I bought a wire rat trap and managed to move them all one by one to a local wood.
I hate all animal cruelty, God knows how many mice and rats I have saved from the mouths of my cats! oh and frogs, burds, and bees as well.
Me too. I've gone to a great deal of trouble to put bees and even slugs outside without hurting them, and spiders are free to plod about in our house at will
Well we had a word with the neighbours
The rats will be present, whether your neighbour puts food out or not, it's just the food brings them to the surface.
I hate all animal cruelty, God knows how many mice and rats I have saved from the mouths of my cats! oh and frogs, birds, and bees as well.
Why don't you feed them some of this?