Rear brake problems

Do you think its likely the test centre would just test the brakes for me, rather than do a full MOT?
When I had a problem with the brakes the MOT place offered to put car on brake tester. So ask obviously depends on them if they are willing.

They can easily do this without logging the vehicle in for a test.
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Cheers Alan - I will ask them. When I took it back on Monday I was within the 10days partial re-test period and he tested the brakes without logging onto the system so that if they still weren't right, I could take it back again for a partial re-test. Unfortunately the 10days has gone now so I need a full test again, but I'd rather know the brakes are right before doing that if I can and I'm not sure how I can check they are without doing the test - they FELT ok to me on Monday, but they weren't!!

I'm happy to pay for the brake test - provided it isn't as much as the MOT, otherwise there's no point. Will ask and see what they say. The guy seemed decent enough - he was constantly apologising for failing it - which was hardly his fault!!!
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