Below is an extract from the Officer’s Report...
The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would have a single storey and –
(i) extend beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse by more than 4 metres in the case of a detached dwellinghouse, or 3 metres in the case of any other dwellinghouse, or
(ii) exceed 4 metres in height
YES – The proposed depth is measured at approx. 4.61m. Moreover,
there is an existing original double storey rear extension at the property which has been extended on the ground floor (by approx. 3.9m). The proposed structure would be structurally joined to it and hence, cumulatively the depth would exceed 3m.
The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would extend beyond a wall forming a side elevation of the original dwellinghouse, and would –
(i) exceed 4 metres in height,
(ii) have more than a single storey, or
(iii) have a width greater than half the width of the
original dwellinghouse
Yes to (iii) the proposed extension would be joined with an original rear extension and when combined, the two structures would have a width greater than half the width of the original house
@Dan gmail You are aware this is a LDC and not PA application? I was wondering why the Officer’s Report made reference to the length if it was as you mentioned a PA application. I’d probably suggest for you to not worry about other people’s applications... unless you have some kind of direct connection to the applicant, agent or application?