Recommend me a house alarm please?

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Damn your really frsutrated are you not?
A good system fitted and not looking like a lash up ( which you seem to advocate) is incorrect? In your obviously high opinion.

A fine fitted and signed intruder system is more of a deterrent than a DIY piece of carp. Even a dummy sounder with a known label is better than nothing.
You seem to have a distinct adversion to companies who provide a good service.
As for surveys, contact your local police station and ask for the PCO in charge of security advice.

Keep trolling, people will see you for what you are.

Also, your advice on perimiter security is indeed correct.
Stop the intrusion.
Alarms are secondary.

Same old nonsense based on absolutely NO evidence,
Why is a diy alarm any worse, if triggered it will sound and
Can dial out.

I love listening to the rubbish spouted by so called professionals when they have no actual FACTS to back up what they say

Your the one who is desperate and who had failed to actually answer a single one of my points.
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Damn your really frsutrated are you not?
Hi Alarm, ever heard of F***A****, (I know you do) on reading Spaced out Cat's posts, who do you think, I know who I think this is?
we have the facts on file as to intrusion to properties protected by our security systems;

in the last 5 years we have had 3 intrusions,
1 intrusion they got away with 10k of ciggeretts
2 intrusions they damaged one door and one window
no loss of stock.

the first one was a proffesional hit, in and out in under a minute! got them on CCTV and handed to police, damage to system, external AWS and RKP nothing else,
policed, on second activation they were on site from second call in 4 mins!
keyholder followed in 6 mins!

but we have in the last 5 years been to 37 sites that have had DIY or non approved systems installed after attempted burglary or burglary to update them, and yes with a maintenance agreement as is required by EN, BS and approved installer/insurance regulations.

so you comment (spacecat) about over priced non sensical maintenance agreements is unfounded and not work the screen space, but as we all know this is a public forum so you are entitled to you opinion however misguided, mis informed.

a simple question, do you fit security/fire/cctv for a day job, or do you try to fit the above as a weekend cash job? with no maintenance 24 hour back up service,? just curious

oh and another one;
we do not and never will fit YALE or any other non approved (EN50131) radio based intruder alarm system.
Damn your really frsutrated are you not?
Hi Alarm, ever heard of F***A****, (I know you do)

Hmmmm yes i think thats possible as he does have form for multiple accounts.

I think its a disgrace, all i said was IMO THEY OFFER NO REAL DETERRENCE.

I'm really sorry about this OP, i'm really sorry we have such a fanny like spacecat-thing on here that has ruined a good thread.
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Your hilarious and you seem to have mixed me up with someone else
Look at all my posts before making ignorant assumptions about who I may be.

I ask questions and come here for advice about all sorts of things, I suppose all my boiler queries months ago were just a cover

I am talking about alarms For the average householder, your over the top highly expensive systems are systems are simply NOT worth the expense.

Installing these alarms only knocks off pennies off of your insurance so therefore insurance companies who pay out hardly seem to rate them as being worthwhile!

OP ask your insurance company how much money you will save by installing a monitored contract alarm?

You idiots throw around comments that confuse the average person looking for advice
Without ANY genuine evidence for your statements.

There is no basis in FACT for what you state, just blinkered prejudice because you have a financial interest in convincing people to buy your systems
OP ask your insurance company how much money you will save by installing a monitored contract alarm?
Or better still ask them what sort of alarm company they would advise if they need you to have an alarm fitted before they will give you insurance cover.


DiY system fitted by a so-called 'pro'

System fitted by a non-approved company

An approved company that installs to all the current EU standards.

The days of reasonable sized insurance discounts for having an alarm system fitted went years ago, catch up.

If you install a non approved system then in the future it becomes a requirement of your insurance, you'll have to put your hand in your pocket again.
OP ask your insurance company how much money you will save by installing a monitored contract alarm?
Or better still ask them what sort of alarm company they would advise if they need you to have an alarm fitted before they will give you insurance cover.


DiY system fitted by a so-called 'pro'

System fitted by a non-approved company

An approved company that installs to all the current EU standards.

The days of reasonable sized insurance discounts for having an alarm system fitted went years ago, catch up.

If you install a non approved system then in the future it becomes a requirement of your insurance, you'll have to put your hand in your pocket again.
Or no cover from that company.
You completely fail then to measure Cost Vs Risk

Assuming all your perimeter security is up to scratch, locks, doors, windows, fences etc

You also give the impression that your house may be occupied, radio on,
Lights on timers etc

What difference will ANY alarm have on your liklehood of being burgled

A convincing dummy box may reduce the likelihood even more,
That's where prevention stops

After that all an alarm can really do is ring

A monitored alarm will EVENTUALLY get a response but for a typical householder it won't be instant in anyway, the police are far too busy to come that quick

The main thing it will do is make an intruder that bit more uncomfortable because of

the noise ANY alarm can do that.

so cost vs risk vs of expensive monitored alarm vs diy alarm it's simply not worth it for the average household
Your obviously a part time alarm "engineer".
One of many that have no real clue about what they are spouting off about.

Read ACPO testiments, Read insurance claims. All the proof is there.
You mention cost to risk, we have to do a risk assesment everytime we do a quote.
AND we have insurances in place if we fail to perform.................forgotten that little item aint we!
Have you knowledge no evidence of DIY being insured?

Think i`ll leave it at that, the real people here know the score.
Your obviously a part time alarm "engineer".
One of many that have no real clue about what they are spouting off about.

Read ACPO testiments, Read insurance claims. All the proof is there.
You mention cost to risk, we have to do a risk assesment everytime we do a quote.
AND we have insurances in place if we fail to perform.................forgotten that little item aint we!
Have you knowledge no evidence of DIY being insured?

Think i`ll leave it at that, the real people here know the score.

Your just a scaremonger with NO evidence

I am as far from an alarm engineer as you can have forgotten my other threads you have trolled!

Insurance companies offer NO discount on having a certified alarm installed worth the expense

Therefore they do not see them as being of any real value risk wise.

Any moderate diyer can put up a product that will have near enough the same functionality and value for £200 that people like you charge £1000s for

As you yourself said alarms are secondary.

90% of their deterrent is visual ANY alarm will deter the casual opportunist burglar
NO alarm will stop the professional
I am as far from an alarm engineer as you can imagine
Then get off your high horse and let the professionals give good/correct advise to the questioners.

You know nothing about the alarm industry, most of what you write is complete and utter rubbish.

Some of the alarm people here have 20, 30, 40yrs experience, we've been in this trade from old battery only operated panels to .....

I give up, why should I justify the industry to someone who will not listen/understand how it works and just dismisses out of hand everything the experienced engineers say.
To add, some do scare monger, not nice people. Certainly none here to be sure.
Your the one advocating poorly designed systems. Yes each is designed to each property, not fitted as some Yale bit of cheap poo.

You also mention THOUSANDS of pounds, So wrong it is untrue. An avarage home will be roughly £700 for a certified guaranteed insured functioning system.

I have never "trolled" you. Your not worth the effort.
Prove it,or shut it.

Your the one placing people in a greater risk.
I would be ashamed If I were you.
You trolled my thread about asking if someone would fit an alarm in North London!!!

Plenty of people basically agreed that you were not answering the question and being a bit of a T**T try reading it agin or do you have selective amnesia Consider it PROVEN

£700 to install what about the £20-30 month pointless call out/monitoring charges that come with the scaremongering?

Your just worried that a decent DIY job can be as effective for the average person as one of your 'PRO' jobs and costs a quarter of the price.

The £500+ you save could be better spent on better locks & doors

I have met loads of cowboys who mutter on about being in the trade for 30+ years they still try and Con you into buying what you DONT need
using all kinds of BS.

ANY well fitted alarm will go off and make a sound ANY alarm no matter how well installed can be got past by a Pro burglar.

I live in an affluent area in London I have seen loads of all types of alarms up on £500K + houses and quite a few YALES amongst them

people are catching onto your BS and doing it themselves

Get Over it

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