I omitted to mention that you will then need to clean the brush. As a professional decorator, I have special brush storage units which mean that I only clean my oil based brushes when they get dirty. You will either need a throw away brush or pay for brush cleaner.
You should only need one, possibly two coats of the oil based undercoat.
It is only the cheapest option if you already have access to some (from a friend/etc).
I always have white oil based undercoat in stock. If you have to buy a tin, you may well not use the rest, thereby making it more expensive.
Toolstation sell small tins of the waterbased zinsser cover stain for about £11. You won't need to pay for brush cleaner
Don't let any time go to waste when you're decorating indoor or outdoor surfaces. If you use this Zinsser Cover Stain primer-sealer, your new wood trim can be primed, sanded and top-coated all on the same day.Cover Stain will be touch-dry in 35 minutes, and recoatable in two hours - this...
The 500ml tin would be enough to apply 2 coats to an area bigger than a door.