Adam, please keep this to yourself. The other week was on way to site when Status Quo came on radio. Half way through the track, to my horror, I realised I was tapping my foot. God help me I'm only 33. :D
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TraineeSpark said:
Adam, please keep this to yourself. The other week was on way to site when Status Quo came on radio. Half way through the track, to my horror, I realised I was tapping my foot. God help me I'm only 33. :D

Well that's it them TS..your turning into your is now officially over, it's slippers, a pipe, a cardigan and a rocking chair until your coffin is delivered!! :LOL: :LOL:
there are a lot of young people i work with who are getting into the music of the 60's 70's and even 50's! one wonders if the music is more satisfying than the stuff played out these days?
Ok we won't include status quo in that ;)
Big_spark, I already have the slippers, cardigan and rockin chair. Everyone keeps calling me Val Doonican, but I ain't even sure who she is.
Wasn't she that girl on Blue Peter with the elephant? :D
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TraineeSpark said:
Big_spark, I already have the slippers, cardigan and rockin chair. Everyone keeps calling me Val Doonican, but I ain't even sure who she is.
Wasn't she that girl on Blue Peter with the elephant? :D
Singleton could never sing like the softly spoken irishman could!