Refugees without ID documentation

The bit you are missing - is that UK law, will rule the claim inadmissible, which completely side steps any of the above. Nobody is being prosecuted for their illegal entry or presence, nobody is subject to penalties. Simply, your claim is inadmissible, not denied.
Word salad.
As Notch says, if they can't be deported, and they can't claim asylum, they remain here in limbo, in perpetuity, and the government will be responsible for their accomodation, medical, education, upkeep etc for evermore. :rolleyes:
That just adds to the backlog, by adding in another category.

The BIG problem with that is that it removes their human rights by keeping them in sort of limbo, indefintely. :rolleyes:
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I think it's so hilarious when the anti-foreigner crowd argue, on moral grounds, that the Asylum Seekers should stay where they are:
Mottie said:
We're an Island. They have to support criminal gangs and risk their lives to get here when there is no f'cking need - they’re safe from the alleged persecution they are running away from.
The anti-foreigner brigade couldn't get any lower, morally speaking, with their total jettison of any humanity. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
And one for gant: :ROFLMAO:
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What's wrong about what Mottie said?

If someone in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway etc. is being persecuted and feels genuine fear for their live... yes, I can see why they might attempt to enter England without applying in advance.

But people paying criminal gangs, and travelling through many safe countries beforehand? Nope.

The real issue with all this is that our politicians (or either side) have absolutely no intention of doing anything about it. They are quite happy with it. But I suspect their views are out of line with many of the general public.
If someone in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway etc. is being persecuted and feels genuine fear for their live... yes, I can see why they might attempt to enter England without applying in advance.

But people paying criminal gangs, and travelling through many safe countries beforehand? Nope.
The hardest part is escaping your country of origin, with your life.
If you are being persecuted, liable to be killed or tortured, your own government (or whatever authority there is) will prevent you from leaving.
You don'r ask for permission to leave because it would be refused, and you'd probably be arrested, tortured or killed.
So you leave surreptitiously, often without any documentation. Often it isn't possible to obtain any documentation because any government is simply not functioning.
For example, duriing the 'boat' exodus from Vietnam, Cambodia, etc, there was no functioning government or authority. If caught you were simply arrested (or shot on sight) by the army (or the enemy) and imprisoned without charge, without access to legal advice or even any sense of a trial.

Once you have managed to escape, you have a choice of which country you wish to claim asylum. That's written into the UN Convention.
You can pass through as many countries as you wish to arrive at your country of choice. It isn't possible to take a plane, a train, a boat, etc because you have no travel documents.
If you go to a refugee camp, you'll have to endure the inhuman conditions there, little access to medical assistance, open to criminal activity, subjected to unfair treatment. And if one day you are selected for transfer to another country, you have no choice of when nor where, nor why.

Zoe Gardner gave an excellent explanation to the Committee on why asylum seekers choose where to apply for asylum:
At 36:21 into the video.

Which, for motobiling's benefit is 45 mins long, he'd do well to watch it all before being abusive about people's intelligence.

The video also deals with the decades long attempt to prevent Asylum Seekers leaving France for UK.
As Lucy Morton explains (38 mins into the video) each time a fence, a wall, a preventitive measure is created to stop the asylum seekers, it merely serves to push the departure point further away and increase the risks to the asylum seekers.
As Lucy explains, eventually if you have a fence around the coast of France, Belgium, Holland, etc, you will simply force the asylum seekers to depart from Spain, etc.

Trying to stop the asyum seekers crossing the channel on small boats is a futile approach. It simply creates another problem.
I guess I could make stuff up like she did, to support my lobbyist agenda.
You do.
Their opinions were based on historical data and experience.
Their evidence and opinion to the committee is subject to legal requirements. Your opinions on a social media site is not subject to such restrictions.
You'd do well to watch the whole video, rather than be so abusive towards others because they don't share your anti-foreigner ideology.
I treat her as equally as anyone else who is trying to grab headlines with a lobbyist agenda.
I treat her as equally as anyone else who is trying to grab headlines with a lobbyist agenda.
She's an English migration and asylum policy specialist, and adviser. The committee do not invite lobbyists to give evidence. :rolleyes:
Lucy Moreton is equally respected, knowledgable and experienced.

Lucy Moreton, Professional Officer, Immigration Services Union
Zoe Gardner, Policy Adviser, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
Thats a lobby group Roy and if you check her linkedin she hasn't worked there for almost 18 months. Her YouTube is full of political narrative, her twitter the same, even her linkedin.. no wonder she is #Opentowork and the video you posted (which was interesting btw) is full of opinion.

I would agree that Lucy Moreton is a distinguished expert of... employment law
Thats a lobby group Roy and if you check her linkedin she hasn't worked there for almost 18 months. Her YouTube is full of political narrative, her twitter the same, even her linkedin.. no wonder she is #Opentowork and the video you posted (which was interesting btw) is full of opinion.
Do you keep your LinkedIn CV up to date? Is your social media posts full of political anti-foreigner narrative?
She's a policy adviser. of course she's open to work. That's what advisers do. The committee recognised her appointment as Policy Adviser, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants. You disagree with the committee? :rolleyes:
The video was their evidence to the Committee. Such evidence is subject to legal jurisdiction.
Unlike your opinion on social media. :rolleyes:
And they do not take evidence from lobbyists. :rolleyes:
lobbyist agenda
That’s rich coming from a Tory.

What do you think about Institute for Economic Affairs MBK?

You know the powerful lobby group that put Truss and Kwartang in power to push their “give more money to the rich” agenda.

I could mention Tufton street network that infests the Tory party

or climate change denier lobbyists

We don’t have a govt, we just bunch of people taking instructions from their lobbyists
Do you keep your LinkedIn CV up to date? Is your social media posts full of political anti-foreigner narrative?
She's a policy adviser. of course she's open to work. That's what advisers do. The committee recognised her appointment as Policy Adviser, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants. You disagree with the committee? :rolleyes:
The video was their evidence to the Committee. Such evidence is subject to legal jurisdiction.
Unlike your opinion on social media. :rolleyes:
And they do not take evidence from lobbyists. :rolleyes:
Yes and I certainly would not be #opentowork if I was employed. What kind of message does that send? #lookingtoleave #hatemyjob etc.
Nothing prevent a person presenting their agenda and opinion in such committees.

Charity set up to lobby..
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