Refugees without ID documentation

We seem to have many people living in the UK who have applied and been granted - were they defrauded?
Not from boat people countries.
I'm not sure we proposing the same thing.
I'm essentially arguing for remote processing, i.e. people apply and are assessed before entry. Not sure if there is much difference, if any.
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"TRUTH 3: The Government makes almost no safe and legal route available to any refugee other than someone from Ukraine"

I like how they start with a "general definition" that suits the narrative. You'd think nobody is able make the system work. Yet many 10s of thousands even 100s of thousands have been successful.
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Boat people using the almost imaginary safe routes? Nonsense.
Boat people paying traffickers are unwelcome according to the strategy - keep up. I don't have a problem with prioritising those like the 481,804 people have already been granted protection. The UK is one of the largest recipients of UNHCR referred refugees globally, second only to Sweden in Europe since 2015.
The UK is one of the largest recipients of UNHCR referred refugees globally, second only to Sweden in Europe since 2015.
..and lag way behind France Germany and Turkey, when it comes to hosting migrants. Way behind. FACT.

"They're all coming here, we're full"

Boat people paying traffickers are unwelcome according to the strategy - keep up. I don't have a problem with prioritising those like the 481,804 people have already been granted protection. The UK is one of the largest recipients of UNHCR referred refugees globally, second only to Sweden in Europe since 2015.
How many of these were from Ukraine? Do you want to add that bit?

Actually, let me help you out...

Between 2015 and 2022, we have offered places to almost half a million (481,804) people seeking safety. This includes:

  • 44,659 family reunion grants since 2015
  • 233,770 people under Ukraine Scheme visas, of which at least 154,500 have arrived in the UK
  • 153,708 BN(O) status holders and their family members, of which 105,200 have arrived in the UK
  • 49,667 vulnerable people and children as part of Afghan resettlement and relocation, the Syrian Resettlement programme and other resettlement programmes (e.g. UK Resettlement scheme, which has resettled 2,023 since its launch in 2021)
The UK is one of the largest recipients of UNHCR referred refugees globally, second only to Sweden in Europe since 2015.
You are aware that there is a war going on there and lots of people need our help.
Why are some posters so keen to get boat people here? They're not much use to the country. Best for us if other countries took the lot.
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