Regulars are out of order

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I thought I had died reading your post it was in a quick sand , urrrgh .. full ol "LOOK AT ME HERE "and self pity an bullsh*t

I think you ...
of all "fruitloops posters" here knowing us ,

should understand

do you want a YES ,YES ,-NO ,NO .....board

if yes

go here
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I already have at start of post. I don't know if people would want to go that far? It's there choice.
sleep on it troy...
speaking from experience, there are good and bad here.
Wait a little longer, no one rules the site here and the site is as the people who post here make it.

Ignore the posts that seem pointless and ignore the replies that seem people are trying to get off on their own self importance.

The majority here are not like that.

I do not posess a naturally thick skin...

How about making your posts and those who want to will reply.
Ignore the comments (unless abusive then these should be deleted) that wind you up.

I believe that it should be live and let live on here.
If you find a thread boring then ignore it.. dont slag off its originator.

The admin and mods (sometimes inconsistently) will/should delete stuff that is offensive. ( don't go there with me)

just post.

no posters here own the site.. post if you like and people will make up their own minds.

:confused: :confused: :LOL: :LOL: ;)
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I understand what you're saying and seen some of the posts you have mention, the problem with any forums is sometime people write it and not the way they would verbally say it therefore it become a communication breakdown then everyone flies off the handle. Communication skills in people can be a problem as you can read it many way you like, yes there are some awkward one here but on the whole it's very good here. If you feel insulted try not to answer back as it will get nowhere, I know it's not easy but use the 'Alert the Moderator' and let the moderators deal with it :!:

ps: don't mention the Unibond :!: about 13 pages I think :LOL:
moz.. when I left here.. I saw that even you posted asking had I left because of youand someone replied saying no, it was some one else.
The answer was no.. nothing to do with you.

I dont understand your reply on this thread but I do sense that it is not a positive one.
I am trying to explain here that people have personalities and it takes time to get to know these.
Thats all. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the advice.The people who I am talking about know who they are and also know exactly the way they are putting there posts across.
They seem to get off on it and I am sure that the last thing they want is a thread like this.
It's time to let them know that people are not happy with their bullying club. If someone spoke to their children in school the way they speak to some people on this site,they would not be happy. They need to re think their approach to new comers.

that was beautiful an I pasted that saved that for many forums Im at ...

what a star you are ..,

thing is

I have since REAL upset on boards ,as mods here ...

some new nics , can come an spew they upset , boo hoo

multi nicks an without servers , thanks mods :)
I will suss this scum .. ...mor to follow ..
Hi troybeau, I think you should take things less seriously m8, there are certainly pedants galore here, especially in plumbing (and uk sparks) but good advice is to be had.
Hi Tb, Keyplayer is right, there are a lot of pedants, and in areas like plumbing and electrics it is a serious matter if you get it wrong, so advice that is to be taken seriously cannot be given lightly. The questions might be short and to the point (rude) but people who take the trouble to respond with a further question are in reality trying to help.
Also If you were to ask about electrics and kitchens my first question is "are you aware of part p?" not a useful response in your opinion, but from my perspective it might just save your life! see what I'm getting at?
So lighten up, take your advice on the chin, and if you dont agree with it then ask for justification, most people will be able to quote from some reg or other, ask softus about his damp problem :LOL:
Well guys as is so often the case I could start dissecting all of your comments and start answering them 1 by 1. However I will not insult your intelligence. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that constructive criticism is a good thing but as I think you probably know a lot of times here people are getting the criticism without the constructive.
It also seems to me that a certain group of people are more concerned with making their buddy laugh(hence the dear deirdre joke) than helping solve problems for people.
There's not much wrong with this forum apart from it's too nice at times, :LOL:

There's nothing better than, when you've had a stressful day at work, then coming on here and letting it all out ( a few beers later that is ) ;)

Just chill a wee bit, just give as good as you get, could be worse try going to the screw fix forum you get called everything under the sun and more.
I'm glad so many comments are coming in it shows that people want to discuss this.
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