What the first poster and many others seem to forget is that covid was being spread under very controlled conditions yet deaths and hospitalisation reached significant numbers in terms of coping with them. That's why the controls were put in place in the first place so that it could
just be coped with. The
just can cause situations where they have to choose who gets what treatment and probably has. Take the controls away and chances are everyone would know someone who caught it and suffered one way or the other and some that didn't.
We are now in the it wont go away stage with mostly artificially generated herd immunity as so few have actually caught the real thing. Looks like the immunity from catching it doesn't last, more jabs being dolled out in September ................. It's very much a see what happens situation and the thing the medical lot will be watching is hospitalisation rates and the outcomes. Not just death, treatment needed and the time that needs.
Few people will be thinking about the complications of having covid around. Cancer treatment, a number of vulnerable people who have been told to isolate throughout. They are just going to get letters with some advice. People turning up at hospitals for treatment and finding they have covid. More people over time, no one knows how long catching it.
Then the bitching from groups with self interests. The current amber rated countries one is a very typical example. They just want people to go. The idea behind adding more to amber was to indicate that the rating was far more likely to change so if you go you may well find the need to isolate when you come back.

The gov should just go to red and green and stick potential ambers straight into red. They really would moan about that but it's what they want.
LOL Use of the army elsewhere - simple but by all means make noises about it - they need more people to handle certain aspects.