Its a bit difficult to tell at this stage, but the Stromberg is a pretty simple bit of kit -as is the SU. The dash pot oil is too thin, and I'd say the oil is disappearing past the dash piston and being burnt - maybe due to wear.
Is the jet adjustment the same as the SU - the large nut on the bottom?
Electrical wise, I've had all sorts of issues regarding duff points and condensers (excess sparking across the points) and using a coil that isn't compatible with a ballast resistor.
Did you use a strobe lamp to set the timing?
Is the jet adjustment the same as the SU - the large nut on the bottom?
Electrical wise, I've had all sorts of issues regarding duff points and condensers (excess sparking across the points) and using a coil that isn't compatible with a ballast resistor.
Did you use a strobe lamp to set the timing?