Removing wallpaper

Started on this now. Lots of plaster that I will need to sort out!

My question is, is there anyway to remove the wallpaper behind the radiator (not painted paper) without removing the radiator?
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heatherw_01 said:
My question is, is there anyway to remove the wallpaper behind the radiator (not painted paper) without removing the radiator?
Slacken the radiator nut slightly and lift off the bracket (if possible, won't be able to if it's floor screed) then lower the radiator to rest on 2 supports such as 4"x2" timber and re-tighten nuts. Need 2 people to do this.
heatherw_01 said:
I cannot remove the radiator
You not removing the radiator this way ! The radiator still connected but lying down position. Close the valve on both side, slacken it slightly and put some rag underneath it for a small amount of water seeping, lift off bracket and lower down it gently resting on timber support then tighten the valve nut up.
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I cannot remove the radiator... it is a sealed system
You can stil remove the radiator. Just close the valves both ends, and undo the nuts each end of the radiator. (catching any water that runs out in a suitable container). Once the job is done, you simply replace the radiator, open the valves back up, and bleed the rad. Then using your filling loop, replace the lost pressure.

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