Ahh proud mummy moment - that's my boy, Cairo. He'll be 11 this year.
It gets worse I suppose. Neighbour got all her floor replaced courtesy of British Gas and of course, she's cock--hoop. The service manager from British Gas came in to see my mum today - I was there - and said that there are many reasons for pressure to drop in a combi boiler and the engineers wouldn't think to go down and ask my mum if she had water coming through her ceiling. According to him, even though mother told neighbour about the water coming through the ceiling - neighbour didn't actually tell BG - she just complained about her boiler pressure dropping - so I do understand that BG can't be liable when neighbour didn't pass on the fact that mother's ceiling was dripping water.
However, as I told him, that does not detract from the half wit that decided to drain the central heating system down into my mum's house which made the damage even worse than it already was.
The guy from BG said that they didn't know anything about Saturday's incident when the contents of upstairs central heating system were drained into my mum's house - so I told him to check their call logs as I called on Saturday night, Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon and advised them on all three occasions.
I went up to mother's neighbour after speaking to BG guy but she wouldn't answer the door so I'm drafting out a letter to her, advising her that we want her insurance details as we believe her to be negligent in not advising BG of the water damage in my mum's due to the original leak and if she doesn't supply the insurance details, or has no insurance, we'll get quotes and will advise her of the costs cos she'll be paying. It might work, it might not, but God loves a trier lol.
It's not just staffords that are tenacious - it's their owners as well hahaha