Replace an electric shower please help!!!

does anyone know if fitting a shower is difficult?
Depends on how straightforeward it is.
A straight change can take 1/2 hour altering pipework etc can take a couple of hour.

Yours is simple you have exposed pipework.
water feed/electric supply.
Tritons tend to be on the right, as mira's tend to be on the left.

Changing that mains cable won't be easy as it buried in the wall.
So i would say that was part of an old install before the consumer to pullcord was changed.
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would I need a rcd or anything like that :?:
At my electric cupboard I have a black one for the whole one and a cream one for the shower, its just a off/on flick switch and has 1 fuse box, do you think its safe these days for one of these?
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Hawaii 2 will be best for you as both water/elecy are on the right.
Cara the water connection is on the right but elecy on the left.
The cara seems to look like a much nicer model, but the hawaii will have to do

The shower fuse box looks like its exploded, but the fuse has and its left all the soot there.
I have absolutely no more money, and It doesn't look like I have an rcd, is this a problem, I cannot replace it, but do you think its that dangerous?
and whats that 100a block, is that some kind of fuse?
100A is your main incoming fuse.
this side of the install is best looked at by an elecy as you may have more problems or unsafe set up. so i wouldn't advice on a forum without someone looking at it first.
I don't want to get electrocuted in the shower, so I'll just leave it and collect some money and get an RCD installed, If I did get one, should I just get 1 for the shower or 1 for the whole house?

Oh did I mention the whole of the upstairs and the kitchens lights don't work? it hasn't worked for 2 years and the whole house probably need rewiring which will probably cost thousands of pounds, *sigh*
This gets worse :rolleyes:
Then in you case i would put a complete new consumer unit in and that will cover the whole house and shower and all be safe and certed.
All to current standards worth the money in the long run. ;)

ps Looking at the consumer unit you have fuses missing. check them.
oh the other unit doesn't do anything really.
WAIT if theres no fuses in there could that be my upstairs lighting issue :O

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