Replacement Boiler original thread locked !!

Moderator 4

its quite simple, keep it within the rules, keep on the subject and leave out the abuse. Do you think that a thread that descends into personal name calling helps anyone, especially the poster who asks for help in the first place?

No !!!

I've seen some pretty bad arguments develop myself as an admin of another board from some relatively benign subjects but 59 replies & four pages :eek: :eek: Even I was surprised. ;)

Anyway, thanks to the guys who actually posted some useful replies re: the legality/competence issues. ( You know who you all are & I am grateful. ) It made my mind up NOT to do the work myself, even though I am perfectly certain that I could do the actual physical plumbing work to a standard that would pass any accepted test. ( NOT big-headed, I just pride myself in all my work that I tackle, if I can't do it & leave it looking like a pro has done it, I won't do it - simple as that ) However, when it comes to a situation where I may be "Put on the Spot" legally, I ain't prepared to take the risk :confused:
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What is it about the plumbers on this forum.
Why do do they rate themselves so highly when at the end of the day the job is now easier than it has ever been.
God, your only glorified overpaid pipe fitters, (apologies to all pipe fitters), the real brains behind plumbing are the guys who have designed the new fittings and measuring instruments which make your jobs a doddle, and allow you to charge silly rates to the general public.
As for Corgi, I know many good plumbers who have decided not to renew their registration on the grounds of cost effectiveness.
While I'm on why the hell do plumbers think they now more about most other topics on this forum, they certainly seem to post more answers, methinks it's probably because they have got more spare time than most other tradesmen.
I have no doubt that most of the plumbers on this forum will take greater exception to me classing them as tradesmen, rather than my previous comments, but what the hell in for a penny in for a pound.
My god , do I feel better for that. :D :D :D
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Corgiman said


Not me matey

I am a tradesman and proud of it

Good for you Corgiman, I wasn't trying to tar every plumber with the same brush, just certain ones.
Got to admit though I thought that I would have been crucified for my comments, but so far only one response.
Could it be that there is some soul searching going on and that I have hit a nerve. ;) ;) ;)