my firm, like other firms i know of, insist on two workers to attend all roofing jobs - those who insure the roofing trade insist on two or more in attendence for work at certain heights eg typically 3-stories.
H&S assessment might call for a harness or a warning sign/barrier for the public?
sometimes, on arrival after up to an hours difficult traffic, we're getting ladders up and unloading, then with adverse weather like we are having the weather changes and jobs off - silver lining, golden lining?
tomorrow might be better but today is a wet, cold money loser.
its at times like that that our thoughts turn to free jobs - £50 to £100 jobs an all other fantasies that might cause us to bolt from one place to another fixing everybodies roofing problems - damn the expense.
Batman does it - Spiderman might do it - why shouldn't a small builders join the Bob-a-Job crew?