Right-wing nutter flees hurricane

Barmy JohnD obsessed with any one from Surrey . :LOL:

A Mongolian goat herder has more intelligence than JD :LOL:
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Its funny how you totally avoid the news story, about some nutter who doesn't believe in climate change and claims its a hoax. His delusion even leads him to claim that his state won't be hit by this devastating hurricane. Until it is.

Maybe you Quitters are the same.

quitters meaning . Those who voted Brexit ;)

or did u mean some thing else ??:LOL:
you've just got in from the pub, eh?

better get to bed now.
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Just polished off another bottle eh ? best u lay off the Schnapple

JohnD the bitter , twisted, humourless piece of work from Perth :)

The hypocrite & excuser / appeaser of some of the most nastiest , vile, disgusting regimes the world has ever seen. ;)
barmy johnd obsessed with brexiteers according to him they are all racists & hate foreigners :LOL:

Barmy JohnD obsessed with any one from Surrey . :LOL:
A Mongolian goat herder has more intelligence than JD :LOL:

A Mongolian goat has more intelligence . :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Just polished off another bottle eh ? best u lay off the Schnapple
JohnD the bitter , twisted, humourless piece of work from Perth :)
The hypocrite & excuser / appeaser of some of the most nastiest , vile, disgusting regimes the world has ever seen. ;)
You can always tell when the RWR are backpedalling, they go off into their nonsense and lying mode:
Just polished off another bottle eh ? best u lay off the Schnapple

JohnD the bitter , twisted, humourless piece of work from Perth :)

The hypocrite & excuser / appeaser of some of the most nastiest , vile, disgusting regimes the world has ever seen. ;)

not unlike way har bee ;)

the ignored member :LOL: